Boston Properties Office Tower | 888 Boylston Street | Back Bay

the only problem i have with this building is the missing 36 floors.
I feel like lately a lot of developers have dubai syndrome. Everybody is trying to be the star of the show. Compliment the taller neighbors dont try to overpower them with gimmicks. I get it you need to stand out to attract investors/tennants but god damn. This aint it. This building literally is a turd burgler. Its a turd and its trying to steal the shine from everybody else. Whatever it still has a decent ground level so well survive.

I'm not getting "Dubai gimmicky" from this. The crown is environmental gimmicky and lame-sauce, but the building itself isn't trying to be flashy. This is one I'm going to like from up close way more than from afar. Though I do miss the Prudential monolithic view.
The comment section of the article about the Back Bay Garage tower almost made me throw my laptop out the window. Think, this board but 200% more angry for no reason.
The Back Bay plateau bothers me more and more lately. I'm excited to see 888's plaza though.
From Boylston directly in front this looks ok. The plaza/first few floors will be a great asset and are an order of magnitude improvement. From Memorial Drive though this looks atrocious: bloated and obese with a silly propeller beanie cap of a crown. Really disappointing.
I'm sure it's only temporary... but I kind of love the wood all the way up there! Imagine if that's the roof deck restaurant for Eataly... what an amazing venue that would be.

New York's Eataly has a roof deck with a retractable roof with an amazing view of the buildings above and around it. If the deck were up here on the Boylston Street side of the roof, you'd probably just see the Pru and a view out on the Charles.

I wonder how 'intimate' the actual roof deck on the back side between the Pru will feel.
