Bulfinch Crossing | Congress Street Garage | West End

From what I remember from other renders this is going to be clad in aluminum. Should look really good.
Hope the real thing turns out better than this rendering. There doesn't seem to be much coherence or logic to it.
The residential building doesn't look like a Pelli. Is it designed by either CBT or Elkus/Manfredi? This building is an unfortunately representative example of the Mismatched Bricolage School of architecture they both subscribe to (also known as the Ungainly Pastiche School).

They are our "house wine" architects, responsible for setting the tone of much of the city's new architecture. Similar to Lucien Lagrange in Chicago or the (even worse ... much, much worse) Gene Kaufman and Peter Poons in NYC.
Sometimes I wonder why the default "just throw something up here" design isnt just a glass box. They are nothing special but they never detract from the skyline. Surprisingly I dont think we have 1 true glass box in the entire city, not even in the seaport. I dont get why we go balls to the wall designing unique turds when you could literally throw up a box and it will look better and take less time to design. Vertex 1 is probably the closest we have but even that has a slanted curtain wall on one side.
Sometimes I wonder why the default "just throw something up here" design isnt just a glass box. They are nothing special but they never detract from the skyline. Surprisingly I dont think we have 1 true glass box in the entire city, not even in the seaport. I dont get why we go balls to the wall designing unique turds when you could literally throw up a box and it will look better and take less time to design.

53 State, Millennium, Handcock? Sure they aren't fully boxes but they're close.
53 State, Millennium, Handcock? Sure they aren't fully boxes but they're close.
TySmith -- One Beacon -- meets all criteria except its got a lot of non-glass in the curtainwall -- but its a box with only: a radio antenna mast on top and its embedded in the hill at the base allowing for 3 ground floors
One beacon is a box yes, glass box no.

Anyways this tower isnt bad in my opinion.
Putnam's building is just awful. Too bad we couldn't implode some of these.
PwC's Boston HQ (Seaport) is a glass box, albeit a short one...

Its not but it is very close and the closest example in boston. The point I was getting at though is it takes more effort to design this


Than just a plain glass box. So why go through extra effort to build a turd when you can just throw in the towel throw up the most generic blue glass square box of all time and it will look fine. This parcel would not fit a box but they could have just drawn the footprint on the ground pulled it up to whatever height this thing is and threw some glass on it and called it a day and it would have effortlessly blended into oblivion and no one would care.

Anyways though I don't particularly have a problem with the government center residential tower. The renders show it clad in aluminum not precast and I think it will be a perfectly fine filler that will be completely overshadowed by the office tower while still filling a gap in the skyline.
Putnam moved to the pregnant building? I thought Putnam is in the building on the right edge of the photo posted.

Oh it looks like you are correct. I saw an article and jumped to conclusions.

I also dislike 1 POS (perfect acronym) except it has a great silhouette on the skyline. The different sized windows are pretty hideous.
The ugly fat turd downtown was a very unfortunate event that should not be sugarcoated.

We're going wide and fat again, at 111 Fed and the Govt Center Garage (office).
But that damn thing is very VERY tall, glass, and Cobb, Cobb, Cobb............

it's not just a building; It's the God damned John Hancock Tower.
