Bulfinch Crossing | Congress Street Garage | West End

And oh boy, did people on this site hate it when it was proposed...

Yup. Still not a fan of that 5 over 1 red brick landscraper next to the Greenway. Personally would've liked less of a long continuum and more detailed/variety in storefronts, etc in that particular place. Seems not as urban as it could've been.

I get it - - low slung landscrapers are easier economic hanging fruit for developers - - I simply like dynamic cities, not suburbanized ones. This particular location would have been perfect for some clubs and (in the words of Menino) a more "Ionic" building, or set of buildings.

I don't hate it - - to me, it just symbolizes another "Boston Bunt".

Just my opinion. Everyone is entitled to their own.
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