Bulfinch Crossing | Congress Street Garage | West End

Re: Congress Street Garage Development

I'm sure it would be a traffic nightmare, but that circle looks BA.

Downtown is short on old world circles, and seeing this overlay makes me wish we had one.
Re: Congress Street Garage Development

I remember using that circle as my father drove the old Nash through Boston....Haymarket Sq. of old! It was practically devoid of cars back then (the late 50's). What I miss even more is the actual streetscape around it. Urban renewal created a new set of blocks catering to the car and to mega-developments. Too bad...The Congress St. proposal could break up the area and at least renew the street life.
Re: Congress Street Garage Development

If you really want to see how far this is moving along, visit the Government Center Garage website @ http://www.governmentcentergarage.com.

Given that the site has been recently updated with new programs and that they are promoting monthly pass programs, I would not have any hope that this garage is even going to be torn down in the next 3 years.

It totally sucks, but that is just the reality of it at the moment.
Re: Congress Street Garage Development

This one is going to take a while. From the PNF:

Current phasing anticipates beginning the enabling work and construction of the first Project Component in 2016, with construction completion of such Project Componentscheduled for 2020. The Proponent anticipates that construction will occur in four general phases along with an enabling pre-redevelopment phase over a period of approximately 20 years
Re: Congress Street Garage Development

Before you all despair, remember that they can still appease us with a shiny new 480' tower while dragging their feet on the garage demolition.
Re: Congress Street Garage Development

Before you all despair, remember that they can still appease us with a shiny new 480' tower while dragging their feet on the garage demolition.

Even if that did happen, looking at the garage is the worst part of the whole deal. It looks worse to me everyday.
Re: Congress Street Garage Development

High hopes raised for Government Center Garage site
By Casey Ross | GLOBE STAFF OCTOBER 02, 2014

If architect Cesar Pelli has his way, Government Center’s brutish concrete buildings will be getting a fashionable new neighbor.

A glass skyscraper designed by Pelli would bring 528 feet of curvy glass to the corner of Congress and New Sudbury streets, where developers are preparing to build a cluster of high-rises to replace portions of the Government Center Garage.

Pelli’s office tower, the centerpiece of the project, would be an unusually dramatic building for Boston, a city that has shied away from the kind of eye-popping architecture that defines the skylines of cities such as Shanghai and Abu Dhabi.

“It’s very important for this building to be unusual for Boston,” said architect Alex Krieger, a principal of the firm NBBJ. “People often complain how tall buildings here tend to be more dour. This could be a chance to enjoy something else.”

Developer HYM Investment Group said it wants to begin construction next year. The project, estimated to cost well over $1 billion, would start with a 42-story residential tower planned to contain 450 units of rental and ownership housing. That would be followed by removal of the part of the garage that hangs over Congress Street and the construction of the 47-story office building.

continued ... http://www.bostonglobe.com/business/2014/10/01/govcenter/9rmaCLs89fRlTlM713LRAN/story.html




Re: Congress Street Garage Development

YES. A THOUSAND TIMES YES. I (AESTHETICALLY) LOVE IT. I hope it exceeds the ground-level expectations I'm getting from the rendering (any retail?) but for now I am super, super happy with this. We need something like this on our skyline.
Re: Congress Street Garage Development

If Boston isn't a bunch of complete pussies we build this gal as is. No compromise for the old hags who have issues with everything.
Re: Congress Street Garage Development

If built as proposed, Krieger said, it would be among only a few buildings in Boston that have fundamentally changed the neighborhoods around them. He said that list includes the Custom House Tower, the John Hancock Tower, and the Federal Reserve Building near South Station.

“This building has the potential to do the same thing in the Bulfinch Triangle,” he said. “To accomplish that, it has to be different. It has to be aspirational. It can’t be another contextual building.

This was my favorite part of the article. How long has this sentiment been absent from Boston development? It's so great to hear.

The article makes it sound like this has the support of the BRA. Additonally, the skyline rendering makes it seem as though the crown will go well above 528'. I am very okay with this.

It's 1:45 AM and it's already a great day.
Re: Congress Street Garage Development


I hate to say the same thing others have said here many times before, but my God, if this - along with the Harbor Garage towers, Garden towers, Nashua Street developments, Garden Garage Towers, Winthrop Square, Copley Place tower, Christian Science towers, and the Back Bay tower at the John Hancock Conference Center site, among many others (including the Seaport buildout) - gets built, the Boston of the 2020s will be one hell of a city.
Re: Congress Street Garage Development

When you look at the 2nd to last render you can see that this is taller than the 480' residential building before the crown is even included. Maybe it's similar to Copley Tower being announced as 569'. I applaud the tactic, using roof height instead of pinnacle height to keep the NIMBY's at bay! Hopefully the crown pushes this one close to 600'.
Re: Congress Street Garage Development

Guys! It doesn't have a flat roof!

Also, break ground tomorrow, this looks great.
Re: Congress Street Garage Development

Holy f'ing hell that is GORGEOUS! Incredible that they've chosen Pelli. He does amazing work.
Re: Congress Street Garage Development

Good to see this isn't another phoned in Pelli interarion of IFC in Hong Kong. They're probably as bad as Handel's work for Millennium Partners when it comes to cloning their own work.

Hey Delaware North- take note!!!
Re: Congress Street Garage Development

Very nice, subdued sexy. No ridiculous clamp ons or gimmicks.

Absolutely need to replace the awful double or triple height corporate lobby atrium.

Doesn't matter how good a girl looks, hammertoe is always a deal breaker.
Re: Congress Street Garage Development

Please tell me that no one anywhere opposes this. How can you oppose this? This would be the most beautiful skyscraper in Boston.

My only complaint is that it isn't 200 feet taller, but it's going to be very visible and hopefully it will change the terms of the debate about iconic buildings. If it inspires BP to do something similar at 900 feet over Back Bay (or, for that matter, at 600' over North Station), then 528' is fine for this one.
