Cambridge Crossing (NorthPoint) | East Cambridge/Charlestown | Cambridge/Boston

Unfortunately. I can't hold a candle to Google Earth Pro's Time machine ;) That latest was update 3/21 but image dated 4/20, so looks like Google Earth makes images public a year behind. I highly recommend anyone here who has an interest, to get a Google Earth account (free, but they take a day to approve). The desktop "pro" app is also free and has the time machine tool to go back and look at old satellite imagery. There are some good tutorials on YouTube.




I don't want to be rude, but is there a reason for these google earth comparisons on a few threads now?
The Google imagery is already quite out of date.
I don't want to be rude, but is there a reason for these google earth comparisons on a few threads now?
The Google imagery is already quite out of date.
I thought I had read through all 83 pages of this thread and didn't see any old satellite photos. I was excited to find this feature in Google Earth Pro and posted it. The only threads I follow is CX and the Cambria hotel. Yes, at best, public imagery seems to be a year out of date. Do you know anything more current? I'm new to this.

While I'm here, what I'd love to see is an updated model of CX. When I visit, it looks different than what I find online.

Also, is there an assessment of how long people will wait to get out of CX with the existing streets connecting to Route 28?
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I thought I had read through all 83 pages of this thread and didn't see any old satellite photos. I was excited to find this feature in Google Earth Pro and posted it. The only threads I follow is CX and the Cambria hotel. Yes, at best, public imagery seems to be a year out of date. Do you know anything more current? I'm new to this.

While I'm here, what I'd love to see is an updated model of CX. When I visit, it looks different than what I find online.

Also, is there an assessment of how long people will wait to get out of CX with the existing streets connecting to Route 28?
I wanna say the aerial view on google is from May of 2018 or 2019 (fun fact, you can tell at least a portion was taken around Memorial Day with the field of flags visible in the Common).
Bing Maps is a little more up to date, but not by much. Parcel W is further along in construction.
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I thought I had read through all 83 pages of this thread and didn't see any old satellite photos. I was excited to find this feature in Google Earth Pro and posted it. The only threads I follow is CX and the Cambria hotel. Yes, at best, public imagery seems to be a year out of date. Do you know anything more current? I'm new to this.

While I'm here, what I'd love to see is an updated model of CX. When I visit, it looks different than what I find online.

Also, is there an assessment of how long people will wait to get out of CX with the existing streets connecting to Route 28?
I think it's cool. Thanks for posting.

Exterior cladding mostly done for 450 Water St. (Parcel H). To the right hand side will rise lot U (in the current parking lot). An electrical substation is being installed near 20/20 to aid the development work and geo will be back on site at the end of the month, moving on to excavation in the May timeframe.
View attachment 11358

Exterior cladding mostly done for 450 Water St. (Parcel H). To the right hand side will rise lot U (in the current parking lot). An electrical substation is being installed near 20/20 to aid the development work and geo will be back on site at the end of the month, moving on to excavation in the May timeframe.
I think this building is the best in cambridge crossing. Modern but with a really strong, fortified look. Great shot.
Sorry for the quality, but that is the life looking out the window of a CR train these days.

Don't worry - I'd have taken it as an editorial comment on the quality of the architecture.

I don't know if I've ever seen an architectural decision that more obviously conveys the lack of f's given than the way those awful facade stripes change on a time right on the fold. It literally looks like someone copy/pasted the fill wrong and didn't bother to fix it.
