Cambridge Infill and Small Developments

Stopped by today and the reason may be that floors 5, 6, & 7, of #4, look to be empty. The 5th floor of building #4 has a door onto the park level of the garage. Not sure why all the fuss. At lunch time (on this beautiful spring day) only myself and two Goolgle employees were in the park.
Why can't this connector be a glass bridge up a few stories higher. The Globe has a picture and that is all it seems to be.
^^ I imagine very few people outside of those offices use it.
Well, Google wants to be in Cambridge, so I don't really know why Menino chose to pick this fight...
Competition is always good. Has baby Samuel weighed in on this project yet?

BosObs -- It seems as there is going to be a lot of competition: Amazon & Staples are coming to Kendall

Scot Kirsner writes:

Amazon has landed (almost) in Kendall Square
Posted by Scott Kirsner March 7, 2012 02:44 PM

By Scott Kirsner, Globe Columnist

When I dropped by the ninth floor of the Cambridge Innovation Center this afternoon to verify that Amazon was getting ready to move in, I found a team of workers prepping the space. There aren't any Amazon employees in residence yet, but Amazon's smiley logo is already emblazoned on a few of the frosted glass doors....Amazon's trajectory in Cambridge could be similar to Google's; the Silicon Valley tech behemoth first opened a local engineering office at the Cambridge Innovation Center in 2005, and later moved into its own place in the nearby Cambridge Center office complex, between the MIT Coop and Legal Seafoods. (Google is currently trying to expand its footprint there.)

In January, Staples announced that it plans to open an "E-Commerce Innovation Center" in Kendall Square, but the Framingham-based office supply giant hasn't found space yet. Amazon and Staples are ranked as the #1 and #2 online retailers, respectively.


The more the merrier --- Apple would be a nice addition to the Kendall mix
Well, Google wants to be in Cambridge, so I don't really know why Menino chose to pick this fight...

I can think of a few reasons:

  1. Menino is helping Google to drive a better deal in Cambridge. Google may have something else in mind down the road for Boston
  2. By publicizing this issue, Menino is making the statement to other tech companies that Boston is open to business, while Cambridge is in the hands of NIMBYs. This may help attract the next guy, even though Google will stick with Cambridge
  3. Since when have Cambridge and Boston politicians not relished the opportunity to stick it in the other guy's eye?
I can think of a few reasons:

  1. Menino is helping Google to drive a better deal in Cambridge. Google may have something else in mind down the road for Boston
  2. By publicizing this issue, Menino is making the statement to other tech companies that Boston is open to business, while Cambridge is in the hands of NIMBYs. This may help attract the next guy, even though Google will stick with Cambridge
  3. Since when have Cambridge and Boston politicians not relished the opportunity to stick it in the other guy's eye?

Henry -- the last one is key -- " Cambridge and Boston politicians... relish the opportunity to stick it in the other guy's eye!"
In fact the two cities, joined at the river don't trust each other to such an extent that:
1) Cambridge fully surrounded by the Boston-Centric MWRA owns its own reservoir on Rt-128 in Waltham
2) Cambridge maintained its own electric generating stations
3) it took David Mugar a lot of patience and diplomacy to get cooperation between Boston, Cambridge, the MDC/DCR for the 4th events -- where the shell, the cannons, the POPS and bells are in Boston - but the best views are from the Cambridge banks in front of MIT
I'm surprised Hynes hasn't reached out to Mark Z. or the Wionklevoss twins to see if they'd like to lease a building or two.

This reads more like Hynes self-promotion than real dealing.

I like the "it's not quite the Yankees and Red Sox" in regards to the rivalry between Kendall Square and the South Boston Waterfront. It's more like the rivalry between the 1998 Yankees and Devil Rays. The Yankees won the World Series, and everyone else was saying "what the hell is a devil ray?"

Hopefully the SBW can turn into the product the Rays are putting on the field now, but with a more crowded stadium...
Any reason not to post the actual here on aB rather than just links, BeeLine?
