Cambridge Infill and Small Developments

I was walking the other day and saw Microsoft has one on their building. A good sized one. Kinda cool, lets those not from the area get a sense of its clout. I imagine with google occupying so much space, they will have one up as well.

Choo -- I suspect that as you come out of the T with your back to MIT -- you will be staring right at a big Google sign -- with a lot of Glass

Google’s offices will nearly double in size to 300,000 square feet under the plan. The trio of buildings at Three, Four and Five Cambridge Center will be united by a dramatic glass-enclosed corridor visible from Main Street.

The extra space will allow Google to bring in employees from its nearby subsidiary, ITA Software. It will also allow for the potential to add any number of perks for staffers, who are known as Googlers. The Cambridge office already features kitchens stocked with refreshments and ice cream, a massage room and an outdoor heated patio.

That’s nothing compared to the soundproof nap pods, aquarium relaxation rooms and on-site doctors featured at other Google campuses.

“Someone recently commented to me that it’s really hard to know Google is here,” said Steve Vinter, head of Google’s Cambridge office. “The lack of a large distinctive building that is associated specifically with Google has never been part of our presence here, and I think that is going to change as a result of this.”
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And just across the street... MIT Media Lab director outlines tech strategy

By Marie Szaniszlo
Tuesday, April 3, 2012 - Updated 3 hours ago
The Boston-Cambridge area has much more expertise in technology and innovation than the West Coast, but needs to create a “critical mass” of angel investors and venture capitalists to continue to excel, the director of the MIT Media Lab said today.

“If you bet on the right people, and you bet enough, you’ll get a hit,” said Joichi Ito, an early investor in Twitter, told nearly 200 people at a Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce breakfast at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel.

Ito said he encourages the Media Lab’s 26 faculty members and approximately 150 students to “try something that works in practice, but not in theory.”

“The whole point ... is learning through construction, rather than instruction,” he said. “You don’t get a Nobel Prize by doing what you’re told.


I'm glad that somebody who might be listened to is saying what I've been saying for quite a long time
More Kendall developments
from Mass High Tech:

TiE-Boston finds new digs, moves to Kendall Square

By Don Seiffert

A month after naming a new president, The Indus Entrepreneurs’ (TiE) Boston is announcing the relocation of its office from Burlington to Kendall Square in Cambridge.

The organization, which helps foster early stage businesses, says the new location at 101 Main St. brings TiE-Boston to the heart of entrepreneurial activity and events in the Boston/Cambridge area.

“TiE has a significant role to play in defining a “come-back” moment for the economy on the east coast,” said new President Prat Moghe, a 16-year member of TiE-Boston. “A challenging environment is the best time to create startups that become the rising tide. Our vision as we move to Cambridge is to connect and expand the community to drive this tide and create the broadest possible impact.”
75 Ames. Large crew working today. Two hydraulic foundation drills moving along the parking garage side of the site.

225 Binney (Biogen HQ). The hydraulic foundation drill and slury equipment have been removed and the foundation poured. Earth mover working the site today.

Novartis Mass Ave. Big changes at this site. Several pieces of equipment (crane parts, slury tank, etc.) have been moved onto the site. Two earth movers and several workers were busy preparing the site. Barriers have been placed along Mass Ave.

150 Second Street. The crane was being removed today. They had the topping off Friday.

#17 Cambridge Center. The drill is gone and they have begun the foundation work along the street side of the site. No workers today.

610 Main Street. Most of the earth has been removed from Main Street side of the site and retaining walls in place. Foundation work should begin shortly. The foundation work, on the Albany Street side, is progressing rapidly. No one working the site.
It's good to see the action appears to be picking up in Cambridge. Let's hope the critical mass of VC and Angel Investors make their way to the area soon.
Is taking all that land away from Volpe reasonable? I walk by Volpe every day (on the pedestrian connection between 6th and Ames) and it's such a huge waste of space....
Hope the street level will be OK... everything else about this box looks like it was plopped in from Waltham.
