Cambridge Infill and Small Developments

I've always found it weird that Cambridge has the most radical nimbys n the area and yet allows the worst designed buildings especially on Mass Ave over and over again
a few cranes
Hi everybody,

First post from long time lurker.

Watermark || construction started a few days ago. A crane is being erected now...
Thank you.

Yes. They share underground garage as a foundation.
I couldn't find any renderings and there are none on site either.
The only thing I found was a blurb about 180 apartments...
I have a pic of the crane but I cannot upload it off of my computer. Is that because I am a new user?
Well, for reference: Watermark I is 300 units plus health club and is 20 stories
I'm assuming Watermark II is either similar in shape(maybe mirror image) but shorter, or thinner and taller to help preserve at least some views...
Well, for reference: Watermark I is 300 units plus health club and is 20 stories
I'm assuming Watermark II is either similar in shape(maybe mirror image) but shorter, or thinner and taller to help preserve at least some views...

I couldn't find any renderings online either, but there is one in the lobby of the parking garage. It appears to be about 15 stories or so and maybe narrower, but that's difficult to determine from the picture. The current construction footprint is as wide as Watermark I. It also appears to have a bit more glass, (but don't they always).
Is taking all that land away from Volpe reasonable? I walk by Volpe every day (on the pedestrian connection between 6th and Ames) and it's such a huge waste of space....

Simple Answer NO

More detailed answer -- probably only possible if Volpe leaves, shuts or significantly downsizes -- otherwise -- NO

In fact, the new security guidelines for the kind of high value / high security usage within the Volpe building cluster actually would increase the amount of set-back from the public street and / or creation of berms and landscape barriers such as was done at great expense at the Federal Reserve Bank Building
Simple Answer NO

More detailed answer -- probably only possible if Volpe leaves, shuts or significantly downsizes -- otherwise -- NO

In fact, the new security guidelines for the kind of high value / high security usage within the Volpe building cluster actually would increase the amount of set-back from the public street and / or creation of berms and landscape barriers such as was done at great expense at the Federal Reserve Bank Building

Ok, but maybe the DOT can build more buildings so it doesn't look like such a huge waste of space :)
Interesting - this is going to block a lot of views. I guess, people who rented there knew this is coming...

As for development of DOT site - there's a significant chunk of land at intersection of Third and Binney taken up by DOT machinery garage and loading. In theory, this can be consolidated at the rest of DOT site. And since there's an apartment complex between this and DOT tower, I assume no security issues can be raised.
