Cambridge Infill and Small Developments

David H. Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research. (Koch = Coke) It is a hard-core "wet lab".

This building is pretty much a middle finger to the Stata Center -- that should stand for something.
Re: Cambridge Developments- Mormon Church

Here's Mormon Church on Binney Street. I like the brickwork except for the giant expansion joints.

Also what do you guys think of having separate threads for the Cambridge projects? I know we have a few separate threads but I think it's tough to throw all of the other projects in one thread.


Back with the parking garage entrance:

Side shot:
^ Will it have the usual orgy of spires? Will there be a gilded angel at the pinnacle?
How did the brickwork look up close? It looks pretty good from the pictures...
My awsum google skills tell me its Discovery Park.

A bland ass office park, complete with TWO new parking structures (see 02124's pics). This despite the fact that Alewife is about 4 tenths of a mile away, the path to which (through "Acorn Park") was created as a part of this very development?
My awsum google skills tell me its Discovery Park.

A bland ass office park, complete with TWO new parking structures (see 02124's pics). This despite the fact that Alewife is about 4 tenths of a mile away, the path to which (through "Acorn Park") was created as a part of this very development?

Actually, considering that Alewife is 100% full at 9am, and the T has no plans to finish the garage (it's built for more floors).....perhaps this isn't such a bad thing.

Advertised properly, the garages could possibly INCREASE red line ridership. I know I wouldnt want to gamble every day that there would be enough space for me at Alewife.

Charge $5 daily (Alewife charges 7), and make the path to the station attractive, well lit and easy to find. Put up a big sign that says "alewife overflow parking $5" and you're in business.
garage looks to be almost complete.the steel frame in the back was over 3 floors from what I could see
return trip
I hate this building. It's like a triple decker on steroids.
That church reminds me of where I went to middle school... and that condo is everything wrong with contemporary residential architecture (wood frame).
