Channel Center | Fort Point

Ah that's awesome! This was the type of panel they were testing. Definitely should have been used on the whole garage.
That's way better than the bar graph they put up on the other side.
Would have been big fun if those panels had bowed out similar to the blue/green panels on the other side. Having said that, these panels are fun!
I think the bowed out ones get some kind of light show behind them, while these might not?
All she needs is some decent landscaping around her bottom and she'll be ready for the party!
The design on the ceramic screen that is lit is not the design seen in earlier photographs of the garage. Did they change the screen design, or was this side not photographed earlier?
The design on the ceramic screen that is lit is not the design seen in earlier photographs of the garage. Did they change the screen design, or was this side not photographed earlier?

The side that is lit is the side with the undulating fabric panels seen on the previous page (and prompted the Ukrainian flag comment at the top of this one).
datadyne thanks. So there are two sides with ceramic screen panels and two sides with undulating panels.
Wow, I'm glad to see the garage lived up to its billing...certainly one of the best ways we could have asked for a parking garage to turn out.
Wow, I'm glad to see the garage lived up to its billing...certainly one of the best ways we could have asked for a parking garage to turn out.

That side is still not very attractive in the daytime. An architectural solution is preferred. See my most recent post in the open thread for a freaking amazing parking garage. I'm just gonna move it here:

SEXY parking garage, from none other than Behnisch Architekten. This should be the standard for every parking garage:

Santa Monica's Newest Parking Garage Is a Polychromatic Party
Brigette Brown

The German pioneers of sustainable design, Behnisch Architekten, celebrates its 25th anniversary this year. Founded in 1989 by Stefan Behnisch, the internationally renowned firm has maintained a cross-disciplinary approach to designing cutting-edge spaces, while never losing sight of the social aspect of building great architecture, rather than architectural objects. The parking structure they recently completed in Santa Monica makes for a worthy celebration of the firm's first quarter century, as the project took a worrisome situation of overcrowded streets and stolen cars and turned it into something magnificent.





Behnisch was the mastermind behind our very own Genzyme Center in Cambridge.
Behnisch is lead architect for Harvard's Science Complex in Allston. No revised renders, although they have resumed work.
