Channel Center | Fort Point




They're really dragging their feet on those damn garage panels.
Interesting lighting overhanging the street here. I wonder if this is city owned lighting? I've seen this in Europe, but not really around Boston.
Interesting lighting overhanging the street here. I wonder if this is city owned lighting? I've seen this in Europe, but not really around Boston.

This street, Channel Center Street (formerly Midway Street) is private and is essentially the same status as a shopping center parking lot; privately owned but open to the public. Those are private lights.
ADD Inc architects are clearly the best show in town right now. Years ago when I was a bike messenger and going in and out of every building in the city I got curious and made a list of buildings organized by who the architects were, and reading it over again I think ADD was ahead of the game even back around 2007.

I updated the list, and save for the Victor (which is a charmless lump) the latest batch is all very good if not great. Here it is, more or less in chronological order:

--125 High
--New Balance 2000
--Lafayette Corporate Center
--Atelier 505
--700 Harrison
--Archstone Boston Common aka Park Essex
--Archstone North Point
--Ames Hotel

--MassArt Tree House
--Six Ten Main
--The Victor
--Channel Center
--225 Centre
--315 on A

--100 Pier 4
--One Greenway
--275 Albany
--Olmsted Place
--Envoy Hotel
This can be attributed to a couple of moves that Add Inc made internally. The addition of BK Boley and his wife Tamara Roy have really changed the working process of that office. The firm as a whole took a risk to do riskier work and it is panning out for them. I give them a lot of credit for what they have done.

Well the parking garage is ... better, but if there was ever an appropriate time to utter the phrase "lipstick on a pig" it is now with this garage.
That's one way to make a garage look interesting. Supposed to be back lit with LED lighting, I'd like to see it at night.
I wish they had put some ivy on the garage. Even using canted mesh trellises following the form of the blue/green panels.
Holy cow! I have one word for these panels and that word is FUN!!
Is that garage dabbling in geopolitics?

The Ukrainian flag:
A pity they didn't use those new panels on the entire garage. I like them.
