Charlestown Infill and Small Developments


Senior Member
May 25, 2006
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Three recent articles from Dan Murphy of the Charlestown Bridge:

High-rise apartment development raises community concerns
By Dan Murphy
A planned18-story apartment building could change the face of Sullivan Square...

K of C plans move to Medford Street to make way for residential development by Dan Murphy
The Knights of Columbus may find a new home on Medford Street, while the current site of the Christian fraternal organization is razed to make way for a nine-story residential development.
According to a Project Notification Form submitted to the Boston Redevelopment Authority and obtained by the Patriot-Bridge...

High-rise loft complex planned for Community College area
By Dan Murphy
In yet another real estate venture planned for the area of Rutherford Avenue, a local development team hopes to build a pair of high-rise apartments north of the Bunker Hill Community College athletic fields that would attract young people with its affordable loft-style units.

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Wow, that first "tower" is pretty ugly. What's worse is the ground floor, how is that supposed to liven up the area? Sullivan Sq will soon become a dense suburban strip.
vanshnookenraggen said:
Wow, that first "tower" is pretty ugly.

Repulsive, actually. Did a five-year-old design this? I love the Gehry (circa 1985) cornice detail.

I never thought I'd say this, but if built, it may actually be worse that the Hotel Commonwealth.

Someone call Shirley Kressel (although I don't think she'd be able to find Sullivan Square on a map).
These "areas" definitely are prime for development, and I'm glad that Summerville has been active, notwithstanding some Heavy Nimby-ism in Assembly Square and against the first project. The last project, while interesting, seems to me to be a bit too suburban.

One other thing I'd like to see is the MBTA to look into developing its own land near the orange line.
^ All three sites currently are used by or bordered by industry not shown in the renderings. The last one makes Rutherford Ave look like a country lane.
The funny thing about the first one is that they don't even try to hide the fact that it's all our beloved beige pre-cast crap. Usually the renderings try to hide this fact somewhat. Sullivan Sq used to be a nice residential area before all the transportation infrastructure was put in. A ring of classy buildings around the traffic circle could be cool, but I won't hold my breath.

All three proposals are significantly uglier than what is getting built here in China. The developers seem to be calculating that they can get away with second-tier designs in second-tier locations -- at least downtown developments downplay their precast ugliness...
I am very surprised by the shared disgust for these designs. I think they look pretty good.
You're enthused by the early-Genry-meets-PoMo-East Berlin?

To each his own.
Yes, to each his own. That is why discussing whether or not the buildings are pretty enough is a boring conversation. But are the buildings good urbanism? The first looks horrible. The bottom few floors appear to be all parking which would not help the street life much. The second one could be a Christmas Tree Shop but it looks like there is actually stuff on the ground floor. Additionally it comes right up to the sidewalk and could be a good addition to the area. No comment on the last because it's impossible to tell what's going on at the ground level.

The problem with projects like these is that they are designed knowing that the land around it is hostile to pedestrians. As a result the ground floor is regarded as the place to stick all the undesirable shit like parking, ventilation ducts, and loading docks. That then sets the tone for projects to follow and an opportunity for a new neighborhood to emerge is lost.


I don't even remember posting this entry!!!!

My apologies.


Very embarrassed.

You know if they did draw it in MS Paint, that would be pretty impressive. But seriously.... ugh.
Re: Hello

JimboJones said:
Are you retarded?

The three designs were obviously drawn by the same person ... someone who was making the design from MS paint ....

I mean. Be serious.

Are you guys fucking stupid?

Jimbo remember it's medication then post, not post then medication.
The first tower is probably the most disgusting proposal I've ever seen on this forum. If that gets built......
Another rendering for your disapproval!

The new Charlestown police station

not seeing the rendering and judging by the reactions, I'm not sure i want to?
Anyone know any news on these projects. Although ugly buildings, I think some towers around there would be cool.
