Re: Offical City Hall Plaza Proposals
The London Eye sits amongst one of the busiest, most historical city centers in the world. And yet there are lines for it morning, noon, and night. Along with Parliament and St Paul's, it has become a much loved - and photographed- part of the skyline. Hundreds of thousands of people PAID to watch fireworks there on New Year's Eve, and it was broadcast on national television. So you there is good chance of being a gimmick, or it can become a new icon.
There is something to be debated about many historical cities turning their cores into glorified amusement parks. Is it a global phenomenon. Is it not enough to be the city you're supposed to be, without the selfie stick set losing their collective shit over franchise outposts of M&Ms world, Ripley's, Madame Tussauds, Disney, etc? Unfortunately it is part of the modern urban tourism experience.
Downtown Boston is one of the most historical 3 miles of America, but you skip half the Freedom Trail (because walking is hard work), instead get your Codzilla on, then ride a diesel belching "Super" Duck around the city, and top it off at the soooo cool IceBar and tshirt from Abercrombie.
To be fair, I do miss the "family bicycles" from a few years ago. Mommy and daddy huff and puff away so Suzy and Bobby don't become orphans en route up State Street. The pile of honking cars, angry taxis immediately behind, people walking into the street, harassment by DTX crazies, and then my favourite moment; getting a red light at the slightest incline at the top of Court Street killing their hard earned momentum. Such FUN! Dear Delaware North...bring those back.