Downtown Crossing/Financial District | Discussion

I can't believe Harold is renting studios for $1,725 in that neighborhood. Those prices have to be a typo.

If it is indeed real, that's good.
Great shot. It'd be cool if Lafayette Place and the Millennium Buildings could be persuaded to hang some neon, too. Or just illuminate themselves a little more. It might just be the white balance but Millennium looks like a gaping void here.
Isn't there some arcane law for buildings that aren't grandfathered that you can only hang neon from the inside?
Some architects choose to dot in a murphy bed or whatever in studios, but I guess they opted not to have them.

Seriously, that should be on all DTX promotional websites, brochures, postcards, etc.

Seriously, that should be on all DTX promotional websites, brochures, postcards, etc.

If the same photo was repeated with the trash barrels removed, I'd say so.

'tis a shame there isn't more light behind those windows at MPI and MPII.

Seriously, that should be on all DTX promotional websites, brochures, postcards, etc.

Eh, it's cool as a photo, but as a PR thing it would come off as an attempt to make it more lively than it seems from the actual image in the background.
This is a nice building. It's funny walking by here and entering the T station here many times you never really look up and notice the building itself. The first floor is just black so you don't really have a feeling for the rest of it. I guess years of abuse and renovations lessen what it probably used to be.
What was this building before? Offices? I recall the first floor being a Sam Goody record store.
What was this building before? Offices? I recall the first floor being a Sam Goody record store.

Yes, the building was office tenants, but the fact that all they had to do was get the office tenants out probably accelerated the permitting process--everything else would be "as of right" zoning, I suspect.

Two interesting tidbits: 1.) 8 Winter St. basement used to have a portal into the Downtown Crossing T stop. Don't know when it shut down. 2.) Construction has been delayed a bit (they were first supposed to open last November) because of a late discovery that the original owners added 8 new stories in the 1910s to address DTC's original development boom.
That massive addition to the original skeleton--and all that implies in terms of the building's physical characteristics--wreaked a fair amount of havoc with the original renovation plan.
