Downtown Crossing/Financial District | Discussion

Correct. You must be an insider. Very few know about this at this at this juncture. Curious as to your status--CBRE, BRA, or other.

People still use Travel Agencies? What for? I suppose I can understand if you are planning an African safari or two weeks in the Orient but is there enough of that business to keep these places in business? I guess so. I don't know anyone under the age of 65 who regularly uses a travel agent.
A lot of travel writers do because travel agents have hookups with deals that you're never going to get on Kayak. Simple booking isn't really their purpose - knowing the difficult to find (and/or impossible to find without going through them) discounts is.
Were there any plans or renderings for the hotel proposed on the corner of Temple Place and Washington Street?
While I'm glad that there is finally a BID in downtown crossing, I don't think they should be able to impose a tax on businesses.

Starting Jan. 1, commercial property owners within the so-called Business Improvement District will be required to pay fees to the organization under state legislative changes that eliminated companies’ ability to opt out.

In downtown Boston, that will increase annual funding by $1.2 million, or 40 percent. The money will be used to power-wash streets, install public art and landscaping, and deploy “ambassadors” to direct tourists, remove graffiti, and pick up trash.
Downtown Crossing needs authority compelling landlords to rent out storefronts for below market rates far more than it needs graffiti removal or tourist ambassadors.

Maybe the tax will finally drive them to recoup some loss on their empty property.
Downtown Crossing needs authority compelling landlords to rent out storefronts for below market rates far more than it needs graffiti removal or tourist ambassadors.

Maybe the tax will finally drive them to recoup some loss on their empty property.

A very naive and simplistic take on empty storefronts. You forget that:

1. Because buildings, not land, is taxed, landlords frequently have tax write-off related incentives to keep things vacant. Happens all the time.

2. Many vacancies have long-term leases where the tenant has zero intention of moving in. Instead, they squat on the storefront as a blocking maneuver so a competitor can't move in.

3. DTC is obviously a hot market, but development takes forever. So many of those vacancies probably have signed leases or close to signed, but the remaining 99 percent needs to be done before the ribbon cutting.
Washington St needs more restaurants. I mean like lining each side of the street. Screw more "retail" or big box shopping, they need to turn it into a restaurant row.
Agree. Cut it down to 1 lane of traffic, expand the sidewalks to accommodate al fresco dining in the summer, and voila.
Agree. Cut it down to 1 lane of traffic, expand the sidewalks to accommodate al fresco dining in the summer, and voila.

driving down washington st is terrible..
but i agree, cut it down to one lane and even make temple st a new winter st and force all the traffic down west st. and out to tremont.
encourage walkers by expanding sidewalks and the brick layed walking streets in downtown and reign in more foot traffic business

...people in boston like to walk in the streets anyway
Temple Place seems to be filling up quickly with bars and restaurants. jm Curley, Stoddards, 49 social, Painted Burro taking over Windsor Button. I think it'd be great to mimic Winter Street's limited access on Temple Place as well.
Just go full shared-street like in Winthrop Square. The streets were originally laid out for people to walk along, it's a healthy sign.
isn't Temple Place where the Silver Line bus stop is? Moving that further away from DTX station would inconvenience a lot of people.
Temple Place* and yea i didnt really think it threw the silver line does go down there.. but i never take the silver line so I'd be fine with the change
