East Boston Infill and Small Developments

^ Agreed ... but nevertheless a really really solid vernacular / background project here, glad its finally getting some airtime, thanks Bline
Is the above project a new building among a series of row houses, or is this one big building designed to look like multiple buildings?
Is the above project a new building among a series of row houses, or is this one big building designed to look like multiple buildings?
It's all new, but was built in phases. The side closest to Maverick (where the scaffolding ends) was finished first. This piece on the corner remained vacant until the first phase was completed/occupied.
Looks really really good. I was surprised when I went on Street View and couldn't find any of the building in their several-years-old imagery. Really amazing that it's all new, exactly what we should be building all over Boston.
It's been a pleasure to watch it all go up over the past couple years on my way to and from Maverick each day. It's really a fantastic, contextually appropriate development.
New boutique hotel, 151 Porter St:

Real estate developer Paul Roiff is planning to rehabilitate a vacant former garment manufacturing facility on Porter Street in East Boston into a 127-room boutique hotel with a 130-room restaurant and coffee shop, according to a project notification form filed with the Boston Redevelopment Authority.

edit - deleted failed images, thx data ill try again next time
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Excel Academy Finalizes Bremen Street Site Purchase

Excel Academy has finalized its purchase of the former Paul’s Park and Fly site, the last of the park and fly companies that once dotted Bremen Street. Excel paid $2,957,916 for the land according to the published real estate transfer and will transform the site into a new middle/high school.

Paul’s Park and Fly has been demolished to make room for the new school building that will open in 2015.

In March 2014 the Boston Redevelopment Authority (BRA) approved Excel Academy’s $25 million plans to build a new middle/high school facility near the Bremen Street Park adjacent to the new East Boston Branch Library.

Founding head of the widely successful charter school, Nina Keough, said that students currently in 8th grade will be guaranteed a seat in Excel’s new high school next year.

According to plans, the school plans to build a 70,000 sq. ft. facility consisting of 35 classrooms for grades 9-12 at the site located at 413 Bremen St., which is currently a parking lot. The new two-acre campus will include the main building, community rooms, a cafeteria, gymnasium, office space, and support space. The project also includes a 30-car pick up and drop off area, a dedicated bus pull off area, a 50-space parking lot for faculty and visitors, and a 24,100 square foot outdoor student courtyard.

FK4 - Just a general thanks for grabbing the image URLs and posting in all the threads. I was being lazy. Much appreciated.

Also, 151 Liverpool reminds me a bit of Northpoint Maple Leaf, just by the sake of the industrial windows. They totally kill the industrial vibe with those double hungs on the side though. Unfortunate.
^My pleasure, and I agree re: windows - but at least it looks good from the front. Who knows, maybe that lot next door will get developed and hide the side facades. I love industrial windows - 1330 Boylston pays homage to them in the central portion and it's what makes the building, in my opinion.
data, ive wound up at 20 & Charles River Rd a lot lately, and THIS place is just chock full of these windows - spin around on the viewer, replete with em on three sides!
data, ive wound up at 20 & Charles River Rd a lot lately, and THIS place is just chock full of these windows - spin around on the viewer, replete with em on three sides!

Lol, I used to work at Arsenal on the Charles! (in 311 specifically) That's a good example! I knew they reminded me of something I was really familiar with, far beyond Maple Leaf and The Davenport.
Nice article in the BBJ about the Clippership Wharf project:


The 12-acre Clippership Wharf site sits along the Boston Inner Harbor near the Maverick MBTA Blue Line station, offering sweeping views of the Boston skyline from Charlestown to South Boston. Developer Lend Lease is proposing four buildings, with a combined 214 apartments and 278 condominiums, with above-ground parking — a far cry from the 670 below-ground parking spaces that the site was permitted for in 2004. The plan also calls for a Harborwalk, beach area and floating dock where pedestrians can launch kayaks.
Is that the abandoned building on the corner of Porter & Orleans Streets that is planned to be rehabbed into the Loftel? :cool:
