Fan Pier Developments | Seaport

From BMC/Mass Ave:

The glass reminds me of those used for the Blackfan tower.
^I dunno....maybe if it were 4 times the height...but then there are going to be more stumpy towers built across from here and the perspective won't be as obvious. I keep getting creepy feelings about this entire district the more it's built...
If this thing kept climbing and that slope was maintained, this would have made for a very dramatic and beautiful tower. Sort of like our own Shard.
Looks much nicer in person than photographed. The sun reflects nicely off the glass. Also looks great walking down A towards the seaport. Not a bad addition at all.
At least Fan Pier is actually building out a nice restaurant district on the ground floors (emptying dot/rox of liq licenses in the process).

Not hopeful though about the quality of the streetscape on the "drives" surrounding it.
^I'm actually kinda digging the all glass building. I really like the slope. I only wish, with the never ending refrain, it was taller. That slope would be neat if the building was twice as tall.
^ What is the darker area at the top of the building to the left?
Great news! My friend works at G/P and she mentioned a couple weeks ago that they wanted to relocate to South Boston out of Exchange Place.

The "Innovation of Law" district?
Anyone else surprisingly impressed with how this is turning out? I don't know what it will do for ground level, but I think these two new buildings are purrrrdy. It's better than most Seaport crap, has a hint of Kendall, but minus the 128-esque feel.
