The number I recall was about $1 billion in revenue lost to CT. Can that number be retained, and added to by NH, ME, even VT? Maybe. Plus I doubt as many North Shore residents travel to CT to gamble as do south shore to Worcester folks.
Having worked on a number of casino's, and slightly guided by the fact that new ones would probably provide me with new work, I am pro casino to a point. I want well thought out and strategically located casinos to not kill the whole thing. No one wants old (or even current) Atlantic City. No one wants old seedy Vegas, and we couldn't possibly support new oppulent Vegas. Monaco seems to be the ideal, but I don't know that it works here.
I worked on one of the new PA casions, which seem to be doing fairly well (much better I'm sure now that table games have been legalized.) But, I don't like the constant idea of pushing them out to reclusive areas that you have to drive to. You can have a destination in a city. The idea of Wynn at Fan Pier kind of started swaying me a bit. When included as an attraction, and not the attraction, I think the casino could meld in well. Many of us seem to want an entertainment district in this area. Perfect for conventioneers and for the young folk as well.
Conventions are the big prize in Vegas. That's what fills rooms. A casino in this area would jump start the hotel business that everyone wants. But, a Vegas style over the top casino would potentially hurt the residential aspect of the Seaport (or the one it wants.) The access here would be so much better than at Suffolk Downs. I think the available space on Fan Pier might limit the casino size here though, unless they break the mold and go multi storey. Say 3 levels of casino/meeting rooms at 30-50k sf each and the top 15-18 storeys as hotel, plus a sister hotel on an adjacent parcel.
What I'm really waiting for, is the bill to pass and for Sheldon to finally throw his hat in. I'm amazed no one has said it yet, but he has been the backer and lobbyist for years, and definitely has the inside track to build in his home town.
Enough speculation out of me...