Fenway Center (One Kenmore) | Turnpike Parcel 7, Beacon Street | Fenway

Re: Fenway Center (One Kenmore, Mass Turnpike PARCEL 7)

He's a front runner, he posted about this when he thought it was going to fail
Re: Fenway Center (One Kenmore, Mass Turnpike PARCEL 7)

^^Cause it is not in his backyard.
Re: Fenway Center (One Kenmore, Mass Turnpike PARCEL 7)

No UFP scrubbers, there are public subsidies, and a rigged process for assigning the developer....3 of the 4 "principals" violated....
Re: Fenway Center (One Kenmore, Mass Turnpike PARCEL 7)

He's a front runner, he posted about this when he thought it was going to fail

He seemed like an actual fan of One Kenmore in a reply to one of my questions in the Columbus Center thread.

Rosenthal plans his entire One Kenmore proposal to meet the principles I listed above. And he saw what happened when Columbus Center didn?t meet those principles. So let?s hope for the best. Proposal is expected in the fall.

Original post here.
Re: Fenway Center (One Kenmore, Mass Turnpike PARCEL 7)

this site looks like it's been update:

Fenway Center aka One Kenmore

The Parcel 7 Fenway Center Development will be located over the Mass Turnpike and on a surface parking lot between the Beacon Street and Brookline Avenue bridges.
The proposed Fenway Center development is a ?Smart Growth? transit-oriented
development that will locate approximately 300 residences, offices and neighborhood
oriented retail space directly adjacent to a new Yawkey Commuter Rail Station, one
block from the MBTA?s Kenmore Square and Fenway Green Line Stations.
The Fenway Center mixed-use development has been designed to connect and integrate into the existing neighborhoods and meet the goals of the Civic Vision for Turnpike Air Rights study by:

* Fostering the increased use and capacity of public transportation and decreased
reliance on private automobiles.
* Strengthening the vitality and quality of life in the neighborhood.
* Enhancing the neighborhood and the City as a place to live, work and invest by
providing broad public benefits.
* Repairing the public realm by suturing the void created by the Mass Pike with
buildings and public spaces designed to create lively public spaces.
The One

The Fenway Center design will respect the urban grid, replace a large surface parking lot and fill-in existing long and wind-swept bridges with new buildings and retail amenities along Beacon St and Brookline Ave. The development will also incorporate significant new green spaces and an open and light design of contemporary, complimentary upper residential levels. The buildings are arranged so that the taller buildings are located above Yawkey Station, serving as an architectural marker and gateway while the smaller buildings scale down in respect to the Audubon Circle neighborhood.

The Fenway Center Team led by local developer John Rosenthal is committed to respecting Audubon Circle and the neighboring communities, meeting or exceeding the
Civic Vision goals as well as the City?s new standards relating to green buildings. Fenway Center will enhance the pedestrian environment with new inviting walkways, green spaces, and greatly enhanced connections between Audubon Circle, Kenmore Square, Fenway Park, Yawkey Station and the Lansdowne Entertainment District. Fenway Center will also reduce wind, visual and noise impacts by covering the Turnpike, improve public safety with the increase of new residents, neighborhood businesses and new and improved pedestrian and vehicular connections.


Does anyone know the status of the turnpike parcels accross Brookline Ave
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Re: Fenway Center (One Kenmore, Mass Turnpike PARCEL 7)

At least the design is contextual... with all other office parks on the side of the Pike.

I don't think it is terrible, though that low building is pretty bad; reminds me of the federal building on Causway St (O'Neil?)
Re: Fenway Center (One Kenmore, Mass Turnpike PARCEL 7)

The UFPs or lack thereof are discussed in the "public comments" section of the report.
Re: Fenway Center (One Kenmore, Mass Turnpike PARCEL 7)

Is this a bunch of office-park buildings congregated about a pit?
Re: Fenway Center (One Kenmore, Mass Turnpike PARCEL 7)

Och! This is aesthetically miserable for a rendering, so I can only imagine how horrifying it will look in person when complete.

Makes the various Seaport plans look stellar.
Makes Columbus Center look like a masterpiece, too.

What does this demonstrate?
Follow the rules, get dreck.
Skew the guidelines, something better happens.
Re: Fenway Center (One Kenmore, Mass Turnpike PARCEL 7)

I signed up for a reconstituted streetwall and all I got was this lousy 1983 office park.

I actually don't mind the taller building, which seems somewhat creative, or the landscraper along Brookline Ave. The rest, though, I'll be cheering the demolition of for the next 40 years, I'm sure.
Re: Fenway Center (One Kenmore, Mass Turnpike PARCEL 7)

^ Czsz -- The tower is more 70s. Numerous buildings in NYC have that exact treatment/skin. Somebody here lives in NYC now. Pics plz. Midtown around Grand Central, 6th and 7th Avenues, I think, or in the East 40s and up.

And it doesn't help when all the design elements, if you want to call them that, are oriented horizontally. Stripes. Again. Gollllll-eeeee! Doesn't anybody learn?!

If anything needs to have more vertical design elements and emphasis, and if landscrapers are necessary--are they ever necessary?--here's a perfect example of how to disguise some ungainly footprints and massing as best as possible.
Re: Fenway Center (One Kenmore, Mass Turnpike PARCEL 7)

But the absolute worst part is not fully covering the Turnpike.
Re: Fenway Center (One Kenmore, Mass Turnpike PARCEL 7)

I feel like I've seen those designs before somewhere...


It's some late-'70s garbage in the heart of downtown Albany.
Re: Fenway Center (One Kenmore, Mass Turnpike PARCEL 7)

It must be post-post-modernism
Re: Fenway Center (One Kenmore, Mass Turnpike PARCEL 7)

Blame LeCorbusier 2.0 worship, aka Jose Louis Sert, at the GSD for the continued use of ribbon windows in Boston irregardless of appropriateness.

This project looks like One Financial Center and the MacAllen building in heat fooled around with the Tip O'Neal Federal Building and she gave birth to a litter of mutts.
Re: Fenway Center (One Kenmore, Mass Turnpike PARCEL 7)

Those ribbon windows make me ill. This looks exactly like the office park junk that peppers Rt 128 for miles and miles.

I do somewhat like that staggered tower, and the the articulation at its base. These, undoubtedly, will be the very first things to go once they start putting a price tag on this thing, unfortunately.
Re: Fenway Center (One Kenmore, Mass Turnpike PARCEL 7)

The base of the tower looks a little like Thom Mayne. The rest looks like bad Hugh Stubbins.

Is this a glass 'n precast job? I wish the renderings were bigger, more detailed. That said, I don't know that better materials could save this.
Re: Fenway Center (One Kenmore, Mass Turnpike PARCEL 7)

Thom Mayne is Frank Gehry with a different plastic fetish and a severe anger management problem. I pray he never does anything in Boston outside of the Seaport District or someplace else where there is no context to deliberately offend. If One Kenmore Redux here wasn't covering the Pike, I think we'd all be much more critical of the fairly suburban office park which has been approved.
Re: Fenway Center (One Kenmore, Mass Turnpike PARCEL 7)

The base of the tower looks a little like Thom Mayne. The rest looks like bad Hugh Stubbins.

Yeah, I like the bottom half...what happened to the top? Did they just decide to stop working? Either way, I guess it's better than the Pike...
