Looking good mostly, a tremendous project. This stretch though is terrible, it looks like a potential late-night crime corridor, there doesn't seem to be a single door anywhere in addition to no windows.
Looking good mostly, a tremendous project. This stretch though is terrible, it looks like a potential late-night crime corridor, there doesn't seem to be a single door anywhere in addition to no windows. That aside it's just unengaging or do they plan to liven up the whole thing with their gun control politics?
Remember that this is a deck. Directly on the other side of that "blade fence" (for lack of a better term) are Worcester Line tracks. With the diesel locomotives directly below, this isn't an area people are going to want to hang out. I think that no matter what you program here, this will be a pass-through and nothing more.I'll say! A daytime crime area at that! What would it take to put in a sausage cart? Or even better, at the location denoted "8 children and teens" a restaurant with cafe seating? Actually that whole wall could be restaurants if some sort of architectural/artistic thought was brought to the barrier thing. Unless there are structural issues there that prevents that.
Oh you're quite welcome.I knew Brad would show up to whine about the ad...
They're going to need to put in emergency call boxes every 10 feet but each one could be painted a different happy lollipop color.There's not much they can do about that blank wall, although what they did here, using textured and/or colored concrete, is the bare minimum. Though, with its proximity to Fenway Park and Kenmore Sq, you'd figure they'd try to enhance it even a little bit. Some more/larger raised plant beds and greenery could really go a long way. Maybe some vertical 'green walls' would be a nice touch for its context and continue the green archway they have going on.
And don't forget BU's data science tower. This area will have some of Boston's most unique high rise architecture.Probably said earlier, but has a Boeing Kendall Sq-esque look to it. I like it. This is really going to reshape the area, alongside the hotel or whatever going in that triangle in Kenmore Square.
BCDC presentation:
20200303 BCDC Presentation Fenway Center.pdf | Powered by Box
Note all the sketches (some of which are better than what they're doing, some are worse). Also this:
I love when BPDA presentations include these comments, particularly when they make the good commissioners look batcrap insane.
Nope, nothing planned for the lot along Ortiz Drive. The Red Sox own the rectangular portion along Brookline Ave, while "HRPT MEDICAL BLDG REALTY" owns the back sliver.Is there anything planned for the parking lot along David Ortiz Drive/Other project planned?
Meh, I dunno. It’s jarring but I like the upgrade.Aboslutely hate the Brookline Ave portion of this project. The facade is too monolithic and imposing on that stretch.