Whats really the difference though? Im in the correct thread asking about this building. I wanted to get the render in here so I figured it would be better to put here. These threads aren't just about the now, they're historical as you can click through the pages to find different things about the projects. Thats why I like keeping things like this in the appropriate thread so someone looking for this or another render can find it in here if they want to. This is the all inclusive Fenway development thread so it has all different articles, information, and renders in here and people can go back and find different things that they are looking for if they are all consolidated in one place. I have put renders in the "whats going on with" thread, but in this case I put it here. If I was just asking about this tower I would have posted it in that thread. Now, that being said does anybody know when this building is slated for construction?