Fort Point Infill and Small Developments

in Albuquerque they have a few bridges lit up in a full spectrum of neon along the interstate.

it looks quite good imo.

i wish Boston would do more stuff like that.
Does anyone have information about/rendering of the 20 story Berkeley Investments tower discussed earlier in this thread? Is this the proposed tower on the old Hook Lobster site or something else?
Does anyone have information about/rendering of the 20 story Berkeley Investments tower discussed earlier in this thread? Is this the proposed tower on the old Hook Lobster site or something else?

436 Atlantic Ave/J Hook Wharf tower 24 stories 305';

Fort Point/Berkeley Investments 20 stories 255';

Hook Wharf;
^ my guess is it's not for the "floating yoga class" they do around that spot on weekend mornings ; )
That seawall at the corner of Summer Street needs to be shored up. IIRC, they'll be driving sheets in front of the wall and backfilling with concrete.
That seawall at the corner of Summer Street needs to be shored up. IIRC, they'll be driving sheets in front of the wall and backfilling with concrete.

IIRC, several decades ago, there were concerns about one or more buildings along here sinking/slipping into the channel.
IIRC, several decades ago, there were concerns about one or more buildings along here sinking/slipping into the channel.

Stellarfun -- Today a smallish building sits on the edge of the Fort Point Channel at Congress St [303]

In 1995 a similar sized relatively modern building [circa 1983] was collapsing into the Channel when it ws orrdered to be demolished


The six-story, steel-moment framed building at 303 Congress Street was constructed in 1983. The building was two bays wide parallel to Congress Street and eight bays wide parallel to the water. Deep precast concrete pile foundations on the water side ultimately bore on glacial till. In 1995, SGH investigated foundation settlement that caused significant damage and resulted in immediate evacuation of the building...

We determined that concrete piles failed due to internal and external sulfate attacks. We developed repair and building demolition concepts and budgets ultimately used by the city to condemn the building.

SGH helped coordinate and monitor the building demolition.
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transmitters being removed from the roof of the parking garage. may be prep for:

also, electrical transformer parcel is seeing further construction, though police weren't sure of end result

Goldenretreivers -- that seems to fit the following as quoted from the document filed with the then BRA
[edited and reformatted with highlighting]
3.10.1 Construction schedule
Construction of the Project is estimated to last approximately 12 months, with initial site
work expected to begin in March 2016.

...Typical construction hours for the Project will be in compliance with the City’s regulations, with no work anticipated on the weekends....

3.10.2 Demolition
The demolition scope required to add two floors to the 22 Boston Wharf Road building will include removal of an existing rooftop mechanical room, all roof-mounted mechanical equipment, roof membrane and associated insulation, selective removal of metal roof deck for structural tie in, and removal of existing parapets.

The extension of the vertical transportation systems will require removal of existing roofs and copings at all stairs and elevators.

The proposed pedestrian entry to the parking garage on Boston Wharf Road will require removal of one existing window and the demolition of an interior partition wall to accommodate an access door.

Fenestration enhancements to the existing 7th and 8th floors will require the selective removal of concrete masonry units and interior stud walls to accommodate new punched windows. Mechanical system upgrades will require selective removal of ducts and associated equipment.

Sounds like they are beginning to do what they said in the filing would begin in March. If they keep the schedule with a 9 month delay in start -- the project should be done sometime in late next year. However, since they mussed the best part of the outdoor construction season this year -- I would bet it might slip a few more months.
22 Boston Wharf Rd looks like the second coming of the Government Center garage offices. Of course it may just be a particularly unflattering render on the BPDA site.
