Four Seasons Tower @ CSC | 1 Dalton Street | Back Bay

folks towards the south are going to have such a superior view of this beauty. being on the other side of the river, 1 dalton is just underscoring what an eyesore the sheraton "towers" are. i'm going to be robbed of 1/3 of this building because of those ugly blocks!

Yes but they also have to look at the backside of Winthrop it’s kind of a wash.
true, true. every time i'm driving back up from the s. shore on 93 that unfinished roof irks the bajeezus out of me.
Forms are up again; now at nine floors above the mechanical/transfer floor.

The facade (including, for the first time, vents) has started to rise again on the SW side. I don't have good photos- sorry.
the drive to gold's from my apartment in somerville allows for a 2 or 3 minute stretch on top of mcgrath with a decent view of the skyline. in the spring, summer, and fall of 2015 (and beyond) it was fun to, every other day, see MT creep up more and more each trip. at this point, 1 dalton is high enough (and has been for a couple of weeks) that the same thing is happening and will probably progress through roughly the same timeline.

fun (for me) facts!

as you were.
the drive to gold's from my apartment in somerville allows for a 2 or 3 minute stretch on top of mcgrath with a decent view of the skyline. in the spring, summer, and fall of 2015 (and beyond) it was fun to, every other day, see MT creep up more and more each trip. at this point, 1 dalton is high enough (and has been for a couple of weeks) that the same thing is happening and will probably progress through roughly the same timeline.

fun (for me) facts!

as you were.

I used to go there when I lived in Davis! I rationalized the trip by the huge cost savings over BSC, plus the sick view of the city on the McGrath. Also, it used to be open as late as midnight, and the late hours were convenient for me at the time.

On my current commute, I can make out the crane from the bridge on Alewife Brook Parkway, but the tower isn't in view yet. It's really starting to show up from a lot of places though. I estimate it's coming up on Top 25 in the city. It looks like it's up to about 32 poured floors out of 58. I add 3 to both the numerator and denominator to make up for the larger lobby and mechanical floors, as well as because it's listed as 61 floors in all. So, 35/61 = .57377. If this is 742' then that's about 425', otherwise if it's 756' that's about 433'. It needs to break 450' to reach the city's Top 25. The core already may have done just that.
those estimates sound spot-on to me. oh and the gym is open 24/7 now (minus christmas)
It looks like it’s trying to cut in on a very awkward dance between the Sheraton and 50 Dalton
this is looking so nice. im not a height fetishist, but given its location and how well it's coming together i wish they'd gone another 100' higher.
I hope the upper portion of the cladding still looks as good as the lower portion. I am really digging how dark the glass looks! It's hard to believe but in a few months Boston will have a Big 3 for dominant structures. I think it's still underrated how huge this is going to be in redefining the skyline. Boston could really use one of these downtown to balance things out a bit.

From 2/17

IMG_1402 by David Z, on Flickr

IMG_1404 by David Z, on Flickr

IMG_1410 by David Z, on Flickr
great pix once again. and absolutely agreed.

unrelated (mostly), but -- what's the logic behind not including the Pru's antenna in calculating height, but things like the spire on the freedom tower/1WTC *are* included? re: 1WTC, the height of the mast is included "since it is a permanent part of the building's architecture." well... how is the Pru's antenna any less permanent? by that logic we should stop saying the Pru is 749' and go with 900-plus feet.

plus, if you do that -- hey presto, we've got ourselves a near-1000' skyscraper and we didn't even have to fight nimbys, worry about shadow encroachments, or even do any construction!
great pix once again. and absolutely agreed.

unrelated (mostly), but -- what's the logic behind not including the Pru's antenna in calculating height, but things like the spire on the freedom tower/1WTC *are* included? re: 1WTC, the height of the mast is included "since it is a permanent part of the building's architecture." well... how is the Pru's antenna any less permanent? by that logic we should stop saying the Pru is 749' and go with 900-plus feet.

plus, if you do that -- hey presto, we've got ourselves a near-1000' skyscraper and we didn't even have to fight nimbys, worry about shadow encroachments, or even do any construction!

It's pedantic, but technically the Pru's antenna isn't permanent. It has been replaced in the past and may very well be replaced again at some point.

Old antenna:
great pix once again. and absolutely agreed.

unrelated (mostly), but -- what's the logic behind not including the Pru's antenna in calculating height, but things like the spire on the freedom tower/1WTC *are* included? re: 1WTC, the height of the mast is included "since it is a permanent part of the building's architecture." well... how is the Pru's antenna any less permanent? by that logic we should stop saying the Pru is 749' and go with 900-plus feet.

plus, if you do that -- hey presto, we've got ourselves a near-1000' skyscraper and we didn't even have to fight nimbys, worry about shadow encroachments, or even do any construction!

And what do we gain from this? Oh right, nothing.
This is now looking massive upon approaching downtown via the Pike after the Allston/Brighton tolls. With the good weather, I'd give it another 4-6 weeks before it reaches similar height as 111 Huntington and that's when it will start to shock the "regular folk."
