Four Seasons Tower @ CSC | 1 Dalton Street | Back Bay

Re: Christian Science Church Center Renovation/ New Towers

Never understood the love Pei seems to receive from the architectural community. He's probably done more damage to Boston than any other architect *cough* Government Center Master Plan *cough*

His early housing works are actually really innovative and some of the best Brutalist Modernism. Then he sold out. Or as my Dad once put it: I. M. Paid.
Re: Christian Science Church Center Renovation/ New Towers

So where is this massive park they're proposing supposed to go?
Re: Christian Science Church Center Renovation/ New Towers

Judging from the aerial map, this tower is located in that triangular green space across the street from the Hilton Hotel. I find it hard to believe that they can fit a 700 ft tower there but if they do, this will be one slim tower, most likely slimmer than the Copley Place tower.
Re: Christian Science Church Center Renovation/ New Towers

Judging from the aerial map, this tower is located in that triangular green space across the street from the Hilton Hotel. I find it hard to believe that they can fit a 700 ft tower there but if they do, this will be one slim tower, most likely slimmer than the Copley Place tower.

Well if we went with more realistic number of floors based on realistic floor to floor heights for a residential building, I'm going to call this 60-63 floors (average of 11' per floor to account for higher ceilings in the higher range, and commercial heights at the pedestal. We'd be right in the 11k - 12k sf floor plates. Not too shabby. At that height, that would be nice and slim.

I'm now imagining a sweet 10,000 sf penthouse 700 feet up. Boku bucks, but man the views.
Re: Christian Science Church Center Renovation/ New Towers

Well if we went with more realistic number of floors based on realistic floor to floor heights for a residential building, I'm going to call this 60-63 floors (average of 11' per floor to account for higher ceilings in the higher range, and commercial heights at the pedestal. We'd be right in the 11k - 12k sf floor plates. Not too shabby. At that height, that would be nice and slim.

I'm now imagining a sweet 10,000 sf penthouse 700 feet up. Boku bucks, but man the views.

I went on google map to try to find a comparable building in Boston. Essentially the base of the tower would be around the same size as 101 Huntington Ave if it was sliced in half diagonally.
Re: Christian Science Church Center Renovation/ New Towers

That sounds like it could be a pretty sexy tower if they keep the shape all the way up.
Re: Christian Science Church Center Renovation/ New Towers

^^ It would likely be economically feasible only if they keep the shape the entire way up, although I wouldn't mind a 30 Rock vibe where it tapers inward little-by-little as they reach the peak, giving the illusion that the building is in fact taller. But whatever, I'm just happy they're bringing more height to the Back Bay.
Re: Christian Science Church Center Renovation/ New Towers

Any ideas on where this project is currently at in terms of financing and hotel operator. On the surface, asking for more height is a good sign of demand and I think the Church has some financial weight behind it (and hopefully will go top quality), but hopefully this is another one that goes quickly from approval to shovels. Anyone have anything more substantial then my guesses?
Re: Christian Science Church Center Renovation/ New Towers

Judging from the aerial map, this tower is located in that triangular green space across the street from the Hilton Hotel. I find it hard to believe that they can fit a 700 ft tower there but if they do, this will be one slim tower, most likely slimmer than the Copley Place tower.

I'm wondering if the tower base will only go on the patch of grass there now or if it will go over that little road connecting Dalton and Belvidere, and possibly connecting with (or being build over) that long building next to the pond.

Either way it's exciting to see the Back Bay finally getting on the 600'+ game after 3 recent announcements near downtown. It's about frickin' time, the skyline is getting more stale every year compared to many other North American cities.
Re: Christian Science Church Center Renovation/ New Towers

I'm wondering if the tower base will only go on the patch of grass there now or if it will go over that little road connecting Dalton and Belvidere, and possibly connecting with (or being build over) that long building next to the pond.

Either way it's exciting to see the Back Bay finally getting on the 600'+ game after 3 recent announcements near downtown. It's about frickin' time, the skyline is getting more stale every year compared to many other North American cities.

I think this is still the current location:

It looks like the third building may have been cancelled:
It should be noted that all 950,000 square feet of the Gross Floor Area authorized by the PDA Master Plan has been allocated to the Belvidere/Dalton Site. In order to accommodate this Gross Floor Area, the High-Rise Building and the Mid-Rise building are proposed to be taller that contemplated by the PDA Master Plan.
http://www.bostonredevelopmentautho...lton Project/Belvidere-Dalton Project_LOI.pdf
Re: Christian Science Church Center Renovation/ New Towers

Either way it's exciting to see the Back Bay finally getting on the 600'+ game after 3 recent announcements near downtown. It's about frickin' time, the skyline is getting more stale every year compared to many other North American cities.

Boston: City of Dueling Skylines?
Re: Christian Science Church Center Renovation/ New Towers

Dueling skylines has happened before between downtown and midtown manhattan.
Re: Christian Science Church Center Renovation/ New Towers

Dueling skylines has happened before between downtown and midtown manhattan.

In my opinion Midtown won that duel the moment the Chrysler Building went up. The new WTC is really nice though.
Re: Christian Science Church Center Renovation/ New Towers

I would totally agree. Is it for sure that this will be a 700 foot tower?
Re: Christian Science Church Center Renovation/ New Towers

To the top floor or to the crown?

Generally initial submissions and reports refer to the zoning height (typically the top of the last occupiable floor) which means that the actual height is greater. If that is the case here, the building as proposed undoubtedly exceeds 700 feet.
Re: Christian Science Church Center Renovation/ New Towers

That would be the one next to the Sunday School, correct? I think I can live with losing that, even if the street level there remains as is.

That's how interpret the letter. I was never liked the idea of putting a building on that site. It will be great if we get a higher building in exchange.
Re: Christian Science Church Center Renovation/ New Towers

If you were a betting man/woman, what are the odds the Copley Place tower, the Christian Science towers, Filenes and the Gov Center Garage towers all get built, and all are done by 2018?
