I've been redoing most of my models and working on a ton of smaller projects. Big updates coming soon for y'all. Thanks for being patient!
Any help you can offer would be hugely appreciated.
i need a much more presentable curtain wall.
My case that the Harbor Garage Redevelopment needs to get done.
This tower is designed for max revenue in the smaller footprint, then return to the Commonwealth green space for public use–
but still be able to pay for the relocation of the garage below.
The structure runs straight vertical to the top of the office sections....
The office floors are designed for "innovation space," for max revenue, and to secure an anchor tenant.
Then, the tower makes it's bend towards the setback roof starting at level 21 of the north wall.
The roof is set back for Long Wharf.
Shade over Long Wharf dictates that maximum structural height can only happen with a steep roof angle or setback.
But, the mechanicals will make highly efficient use of the parsed floors at the top.
Residential walls are designed for best possible views of the incredible sights this single tower plan will offer.
Parallelogram is to minimize shade at Long Wharf and give maximum allowable viewing of the Kennedy Greenway, public markets, Faneuil and Long Wharf.
This tower should make enough money for the development group.
Long Wharf would be 100% shade free until the 23rd of October, as mandated.
The Greenway patches are minimally affected.
structure height to mech screen tip: 600'
total sq ft ~1,090,000
occupied floors; 48
top of highest occupied floor; 567'
mechanical floors at tower top servicing (residences + offices): 2/34'
residences 28 stories 294'
offices 18 stories 229'
club Floor 21'
lobby 23' [/SIZE]
*not reflected in all the images: the setbacks on the harbor side of the upper resident tower.
should read levels 3-20 Office, 21-48 Residential. i'll fix it Monday.
the Northwest and North facing walls would offer spectacular views of the Greenway and Faneuil Hall Marketplace district from levels 21-48.
New tower; (the closeness of Central Wharf makes the tower appear fatter in proportion to the rest of the Downtown.
which are considerably further away). the tower runs 172' along the harbor frontage.