General MBTA Topics (Multi Modal, Budget, MassDOT)

Re: Driven By Customer 'Service' Parte Dos

QR codes for bus stops

I’ve been doing some research into QR codes, which are those bar codes you see popping up everywhere. Many brands of smart phones can read these to download data from websites.

The plan would be to have QR codes put up at every bus stop. Someone standing at a stop could wave his/her phone at the sticker and immediately bring up the schedule and “next bus” data. Currently, the information at each bus stop is limited; the bus line number is listed, if you’re lucky, and there might be a map of the route. That's it.

A QR code at each stop would allow riders to access up-to-date information, making bus use more convenient. It’s a low-cost solution that could be implemented right now.

This could actually be done by anyone with the desire and a little free time. Just print out some codes and run around sticking them on maps/schedules at each station.

Re: Driven By Customer 'Service' Parte Dos

John - that's a nice wish list. The list could go on and on, but I think you've covered the priorities.

I posted elsewhere on this forum about a relatively simple surface option to tie the existing SL tunnels in with the Green Line. Note that the map below also includes the possibility of a Greenway branch which can meet back up with the GL mainline at Haymarket or North Station.

What you'd lose in the short term is the SL Airport service. Until an Einstein comes aloing and figures out how to bring light rail through the Ted Williams, I'd recommend a shuttle bus from South Station to Airport through the TWT, making one intermediate stop around the convention area.

Re: Driven By Customer 'Service' Parte Dos

The idea of crowd-sourcing the roll-out of QR codes sounds logical until you read that there is an estimated 8,500 bus and trackless trolley stops, according to the MBTA website. That seems ridiculously high and unrealistic, but it's got to be well over 1,000.

So, it would take a lot of effort.
Re: Driven By Customer 'Service' Parte Dos

Not really.

If you assume every stop serves at least say, 25 individuals per day and assume at least 1 of those individuals is a. Aware of the project b. Has access to a computer, printer & sticker paper, than it would be done in no time at all.
Re: Driven By Customer 'Service' Parte Dos

QR codes are a useless idea.

People who have smartphones have absolutely no trouble finding into for their bus stop. Aps use GPS to show where you are, you click the stop location, and voila, time remaining for bus.

Whats needed is the stop NUMBER so people without internet on their phone can text or call and get the time remaining.
Re: Driven By Customer 'Service' Parte Dos

QR codes are a useless idea.

You're precious.

Both the Stop Number and a QR Code could be on the sticker. Using my BlackBerry, it takes more keystrokes to bring up the route & tracked vehicle times for a stop with a five digit stop number than it does if I point and click on a QR code.
Re: Driven By Customer 'Service' Parte Dos

You're precious.

Both the Stop Number and a QR Code could be on the sticker. Using my BlackBerry, it takes more keystrokes to bring up the route & tracked vehicle times for a stop with a five digit stop number than it does if I point and click on a QR code.

Why not open the ap that show what bus stop youre at, using GPS...?

Precious is thinking only those who pay for internet on their phone deserve to know when the bus is coming.

A stop number helps all. A QR helps few.
Re: Driven By Customer 'Service' Parte Dos

QR codes are a useless idea.

People who have smartphones have absolutely no trouble finding into for their bus stop.

I think you overestimate the knowledge of "people who have smartphones." QR codes are quickly becoming ubiquitous, and with good reason. It's a tiny little pattern that a person holds his or her phone up to and is instantly taken anywhere on the internet. It is easy to understand. It doesn't require a separate application for transit or anything else. There is no learning curve.

Anything that makes mass transit more convenient has the ability to increase the use of mass transit. QR codes add convenience and present absolutely zero downside.
Re: Driven By Customer 'Service' Parte Dos

I think you overestimate the knowledge of "people who have smartphones." QR codes are quickly becoming ubiquitous, and with good reason. It's a tiny little pattern that a person holds his or her phone up to and is instantly taken anywhere on the internet. It is easy to understand. It doesn't require a separate application for transit or anything else. There is no learning curve.

Anything that makes mass transit more convenient has the ability to increase the use of mass transit. QR codes add convenience and present absolutely zero downside.

Technology should benefit all (if possible) as this is a Public Transit System -- paid for by the Taxpayers

Using GPS and other location technologies (GPS doesn't work in a tunnel) -- the locationf of every train, bus, trackless trolley should be known. This information should be used at T HQ -- to compute estiamated time to arrival times (ETTA) for each stop in the system -- this is actualy a trivial task that any PC could handle as the times only need be updated once a minute

ETTAs should be communicated by all relevant means:
Cel phone aps
Dal-in phone number or texting number
Message boards in stations
PA announcements on the platform

and each bus stop should have an LED display (solar powered if you want) with a radio receiver (WiFi or equivalent) to receive the broadcast data fordisplay and with a local (Bluetooth) portal for someone with a cel phone, tablet or specialized accesss device to query the sign and get the ETTA

For a few hundred $ per stop -- the Customer Service would be greatly improved
Re: Driven By Customer 'Service' Parte Dos

Local volunteers using sharpies to write the NextBus phone number and the stop number on existing signage could do the same thing for almost nothing.
Re: Driven By Customer 'Service' Parte Dos

Are you advocating *clutches pearls* vandalism?
Re: Driven By Customer 'Service' Parte Dos

From evidence I thought Sharpies were standard operating procedure for the MBTA to update signage?
Re: Driven By Customer 'Service' Parte Dos

From evidence I thought Sharpies were standard operating procedure for the MBTA to update signage?

Get with the 90's! They use one of those electronic handheld label-makers Staples sells for $40 and stickies over everything.
Re: Driven By Customer 'Service' Parte Dos

I would advocate passengers writing stop numbers on every sign. And the number you text (41411)

You write:

nbus mbta ____ and send it to 41411 and get the next bus info

The gap is where the stop number goes.
Re: Driven By Customer 'Service' Parte Dos

How about this: stop having red line trains crawl into stations and crawl out? It's bad between Park Street and South Station.
Re: Driven By Customer 'Service' Parte Dos

Second part of my Patch column on transportation. This week: how to fix auto traffic in and out of and through Boston.

A Boston Transportation Wishlist (Part 2)

Last week, I offered suggestions on how Boston’s public transportation system could be improved. This week, I’m proposing changes that would improve automobile traffic flow into, out of, and through the city.

Although we all wish that everyone would take public transportation to and from Boston, the truth is, we will always need roads, bridges, and tunnels. The problem is, our system is overburdened, even after completion of the $22 billion Central Artery and Third Harbor Tunnel projects. Many Bostonians think of our city as one continuous traffic jam.

Here are some ways we can ease the commutes of many while also improving the lives of Boston residents.

Congestion pricing

We should charge commuters a fee when they come into the city from points north, south and west. Not a toll, per se, because the revenues raised wouldn’t go toward paying off the cost of the bridges and streets that people travel, but similar.

The idea is to make the cost of driving equal to an amount that reduces the desire for commuters to drive into the city. Those who come to the city by car or truck would be required to pay a fee if they chose to do so during the morning and evening rush hours - basically anytime there is congestion. The money raised would go toward improving (and expanding) the public transportation system throughout Eastern Massachusetts.

I realize it’s easy for those of us who live in the city to want this - we wouldn’t have to pay anything and we’d be the ones to benefit, too. It’s a win-win. But, it would benefit commuters, too - traffic jams would be eliminated. Those who feel they have to drive into the city would be able to; those who do so out of convenience or because they it costs less could switch their modes of transportation.

Major issues would have to be worked out. There are so many routes into and out of the city, from major arteries to small, narrow roads. How would you track everyone? And, what if it worked “too well” - what if the new fee discouraged too many people from working in downtown Boston and wouldn’t this added “tax” lead major employers to seek out suburban locations in which to expand?

There’s the privacy issue. How do you track commuters without invading their privacy? And, what about those who come to the city out of necessity, mainly to visit its hospitals? When you’re sick (or dying), you aren’t necessarily able or willing to take public transportation. Would the added cost be too much for them to bear?

Variable parking meter fees

There’s another way to raise revenue while reducing congestion and the release of carbon-based gases. Technology exists that would allow the city to modify its parking meter prices based on the time of day. For example, we could increase the current flat rate from $1.25 per hour to $2.50 or $5.00 per hour during the business day, reduce it to $1.00 before 8am and after 5pm, and make it free on Sundays and holidays and, since the mayor seems to like it, on the four Saturdays between Thanksgiving and Holiday.

In tandem with this, privately and publicly-owned parking garages would have their taxes increased to cover the direct and indirect costs incurred by people driving into the city.

Bowker Overpass / Storrow Drive

The Bowker Overpass is the multi-lane steel beam bridge monstrosity that lurks over Storrow Drive, that drivers use coming into Boston from north and west of the city to get to the Longwood Medical Area and Fenway Park. Proposals have been floated that would replace the overpass with a series of interconnected, street-level roads that would improve local traffic patterns and rejoin the Back Bay with Kenmore Square.

Storrow Drive was never intended to be a major access point for people traveling into and out of the city - that’s why its bridges are so low (the ones that U-Haul trucks slam into every September 1st) - but it now carries 100,000 cars per day.

Removing the overpass and returning Storrow Drive to its intended purpose as a “parkway” would mean commuters would have to find new ways to get into the city, mainly by using the Massachusetts Turnpike Extension.

Which means we would need ...

Additional Mass Pike on & off ramps

It’s been estimated that nearly half the traffic on Storrow Drive exits at the Bowker Overpass. What would happen if we added on and off ramps to the Massachusetts Turnpike Extension near the Back Bay, South End, and Chinatown? Would it reduce congestion on Storrow Drive? Would commuters start taking Route 93 from the north and south and access the Mass Pike from there?

What effect would this have on traffic and, more importantly, on the residents in those neighborhoods?

From a Back Bay Sun story of several years ago:

"In fact, early Big Dig plans included ramps that did connect to the Back Bay. But James Kerasiotis, who was then secretary of transportation for the commonwealth, killed the plan, allegedly in response to objections from Chinatown residents, according to Fred Salvucci, also a former secretary of transportation, who was instrumental in executing the Big Dig. Kerasiotis said, “We already have a ramp to the Back Bay. It’s called Storrow Drive,” Salvucci recalled."

The proposal scares many Back Bay and South End residents, and with good reason - the fear is that the neighborhoods would be over-run with traffic if new off- and on-ramps were built. I think, however, that a new study needs to be completed to figure out what the actual impact would be.

Politics and money are impediments to these projects

We’re limited only by our leadership … and money. With a bit of both, we can improve every-one’s lives, commuters and residents alike.

To keep abreast of Boston / Greater Boston transportation projects, I highly recommend joining the conversation going on in the ArchBoston transit and infrastructure forum.

About this column: John A Keith is a freelance writer and real estate agent who lives and works in the South End.
Re: Driven By Customer 'Service' Parte Dos

Those photos from the commuter rail facility got me thinking about the new commuter rail cars that are supposed to be in service. I remember several months ago there being a mockup at North Station. Any word as if the first cars have been delivered and, if so, when they'll be put into service? If not, does anyone know when they'll be delivered?
Re: Driven By Customer 'Service' Parte Dos

Congestion charges are a scam to force the peasantry onto bicycles and public transit so that the rich can drive unimpeded by the typical masses of commoners responsible for traffic jams.

Variable metering is a MUST and every meter in the city should be a smart meter. On street parking is very poorly handled and grossly under priced in this city at many locations which should encourage much faster turnover.
Re: Driven By Customer 'Service' Parte Dos

Those photos from the commuter rail facility got me thinking about the new commuter rail cars that are supposed to be in service. I remember several months ago there being a mockup at North Station. Any word as if the first cars have been delivered and, if so, when they'll be put into service? If not, does anyone know when they'll be delivered?

They're not supposed to be here until 2012 or 2013, and then they have to go through months of non-service testing.
Re: Driven By Customer 'Service' Parte Dos

Congestion charges are a scam to force the peasantry onto bicycles and public transit so that the rich can drive unimpeded by the typical masses of commoners responsible for traffic jams.

Variable metering is a MUST and every meter in the city should be a smart meter. On street parking is very poorly handled and grossly under priced in this city at many locations which should encourage much faster turnover.

I don't entirely disagree with you, but how are congestion pricing and variable metering different conceptually? Both will result in pushing the less wealthy out of cars as you've so eloquently argued.
