Goodwin Procter HQ @ Fan Pier | 90 - 110 Northern Ave - Parcel I | Seaport

The city installed a traffic signal in front the Goodwin building so the road re-alignment must be well underway and on schedule
The city installed a traffic signal in front the Goodwin building so the road re-alignment must be well underway and on schedule

That seems right. I'll take a walk over there tomorrow and snap a few pics.
Any idea what's taking them so long to remove fencing and start the (new) Northern Ave in front of the building? Its been the same for weeks now, haven't seem much progress except some street lights.
The realignment project is underway now. Northern ave has been dug up in front of the new GP building and the new "straight" alignment up to the set of lights in front of Pier 4 is visible.
Northern Ave realignment with bike lane striping appears to be ready to go live any day this week. Fan Pier construction cam shows cones with caution tape across the vehicular lanes, but not obstructing the bike lanes in front of the Goodwin Procter HQ.
Grand opening party for the building is June 9th. Goodwin isn't opening until June 27th.
^^thanks for posting this awesome pic.
i love infill.
Northern Ave realignment opened today. Is the "old" Northern Ave turning into a development parcel?
^^^ Yes, it is parcel Seaport G. Planned to be hotel/residental complex, but I'm not sure who owns it (BGI, WS Development, or ?).
^^^ Yes, it is parcel Seaport G. Planned to be hotel/residental complex, but I'm not sure who owns it (BGI, WS Development, or ?).

WS purchased it along with everything else that BGI hadn't already sold. The current 'G' block design certainly looks like it has potential.
Acrobats were performing on the side of the building today. Apparently practicing for a performance on Thursday as part of the building's opening ceremony.


Not sure how sustainable the Northern Ave realignment is. I think its very poorly designed. I watched a few tractor trailed attempting to take a right from Northern Ave onto Pier 4 Blvd. One couldn't make the turn in one swoop and the other swung all the way onto the other side of the road where there is oncoming traffic. Seems poor from the naked eye but I'm no traffic engineer.
