Here's a labeled crop from Javier's picture. I should have noted that the rails have a special sytem to span the gaps between gondolas (including when parked on a curve)
Nice shots that show:
Arlington: Take a look at the pix related to work for the past 12 months -- very impressive progress has bee madeMBTA Green LIne Flickr Feed has a great series of October progress photos from all long the line
Start here (and work "backwards in time" by clicking the right arrow)
And their official album
Green Line Extension
GLX geotechnical drilling operations are underway. Full-scale construction set to begin in
Statler -- we could argue about the specific format and vehicle -- perhaps the Discovery Channel or even Smithsonian --- I don't think you could get PBS to be interestedI would watch the hell out of a "This Old House" style (NOT HGTV) show about large scale public works projects.
SHS -- Somerville High School for those who are not cognoscentiAmazing to see that portion of the project change. When the hill was bare, the Homans building being demolished, and the high school was still in its early phases of renovation and expansion, the scale of the two projects combined was really apparent.
Statler -- Problem is that to get sponsors interested these days you need personalities --- the sponsors want "influencers" on Social MediaYeah, I wouldn't care who produces it, just as long as it is documentary style, not personality/contest based.
Phase 1 of GLX (mostly bridges and some demolition) didn't improve CR, but it did improve CR bridge under clearance & drainage and sound walls near Ball Sq.