Hancock of the day...

^so thats what exchange place and the Hancocks offspring would look like!
I don't know what the heck u wrote lol, but I wish I was'nt a passenger in a car,I would have liked a clearer shot!
^ I rather like the blur effect :)

Me too. It adds to that mystical feeling of the tower seeming to go on forever into the clouds. I just love the tower from this angle too because it looks like a sheet of paper (even though you're seeing it in perspective, not elevation).
I don't know what the heck u wrote lol, but I wish I was'nt a passenger in a car,I would have liked a clearer shot!

Bos -- the translation:
That last photo has the je ne sais quoi "jacqques et les haricot verts magique" effect

that last photo has the I don't know what jack and the beanstalk effect

It does too
Me too. It adds to that mystical feeling of the tower seeming to go on forever into the clouds. I just love the tower from this angle too because it looks like a sheet of paper (even though you're seeing it in perspective, not elevation).

Data -- exactly -- the complexity of the Hancock geometry combined with that huge mirror -- makes it the only mid to (early late) 20th century building that I hope is still standing in the Boston of oh say 2080 -- the cut offs would be post WWII and pre-Rowes Wharf
Coincidentally, my last updates for a while keep being the first of a new page. I'm headed off to grad school (UNC), so aside from my breaks, I look forward to becoming a regular contributor again next year!







