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Pease can handle international cargo.
Pease can handle international cargo.
Great shots.
Any word on who will be occupying the 3 clubs in the new expansion space? I was just reading the PDF and it notes 3 spaces for 8,000 sqf clubs each.
I think BA and Lufthansa are givens along with Emirates probably.
Would Iberia and Aer Lingus use the BA club? Or would Swiss use the Lufthansa club?
Also, which of the 3 plans did Massport end up going with? A, B, or C? I am guessing it was either B or C based on the construction photos.
DATE July 2015
PREPARED FOR Massachusetts Port Authority
Terminal E Renovation and Enhancements at
Boston-Logan International Airport
1) Terminals:
Terminal Alternative C (Proposed Action)
• Modify three gates to accommodate A380s/Group VI aircraft
• Construct three new holdrooms in a west portion of existing terminal
• Construct three new 8,000 square foot airline clubs
• Enhance concession/retail throughout Terminal E
• Reconfigure Mezzanine to add new holdroom on the east side
2) Airfield:
Airfield Alternative 3 (Proposed Action)
• No runway widening
• Stabilize runway shoulder runway 15R-33L to 50-feet west of the runway 4L-22R intersection only
• Modify pavement fi llets along 6 select taxiways
Would Iberia and Aer Lingus use the BA club? Or would Swiss use the Lufthansa club?
Would Iberia and Aer Lingus use the BA club? Or would Swiss use the Lufthansa club?
You mean that they put in a special building / terminal just for this plane?
You mean that they put in a special building / terminal just for this plane?
The 3 gates are for "Group VI" aircraft - The A380 & 747-8 ("748"). Terminal E needed the lounge & especially holdroom space anyway.
Indeed, and notably, Lufthansa (a prime Term E tenant) has already been using the 748, which is highly non-ideal for the single jetway configuration of the old gates.
Having dual jetbridge gates will accelerate loading/deplaning times for multiple aircraft types. I think the 773 can use them too.
The 773 can use them too.
I have experience on the product development side at Boeing/Airbus so I can add a bit of color. Planes are only going to have wider wingspans going forward. Look at the 777x and the dreamliner, the wings are absolutely massive compared to the fuselage. This trend will only increase going forward. So there a two things that can be done: modify the airport or modify the plane. For the 777x, they chose to modify the plane by having folding wingtips. But that's expensive and adds weight ($). The airlines were thrilled that they could go to more airports but werent happy with the extra cost. As a result of this and other cases for products that weren't launched, option 2 is being explored more: modifying airports to have more distance between gates. My bet: many more airports will modify their gates to be able to hold bigger planes (also one jetway is a different for a torture for boarding/deplaning)
Just wait until the mods that will have to happen for the blended wing engine in about 10-30 years (sorry, cant be any more specific).
Boston-Logan International Airport, Terminal E Modernization Project
Environmental Assessment/Draft Environmental Impact Report (EEA #15434)
3.7 Proposed Action
Massport selected Terminal Alternative D and Roadway Option 2 as the Proposed Action (see Figures 3-9 through 3-13) ][original document not shown here].
Alternative D addresses the passenger and operational needs for the entire Terminal E, including the accommodation of future passenger volumes and aircraft operations, improved connections to the MBTA Blue Line station, expanded passenger processing capability, and passenger amenities throughout.
This configuration provides a physical barrier buffering noise from ground aircraft operations from the Airport roadways and East Boston Memorial Park beyond. The proposed modernization aims to right-size the passenger processing facilities, enhance the passenger level of service, and provide environmental enhancements compared to the No-Action Alternative.
Roadway Option 2 provides the smallest footprint on the Terminal E forecourt, while providing for efficient traffic operations along the new extended terminal frontage.
The Proposed Action would include the following components:
- Seven new gates, three of which have been previously approved, to accommodate Group V aircraft with capability to accommodate Group IV and III aircraft;
- New Customs and Border Protection Processing facilities;
- Concessions, holdrooms, and passenger processing facilities;
- Reconfigured roadways and exit ramps adjacent to Terminal E;
- One additional lane at the outer curb (to provide a total of four);
- New weather-protected direct pedestrian connection to the MBTA Blue Line subway station;
- Partial dual taxilane on the airside to allow operational flexibility;
- North Cargo Area and North Apron modifications to accommodate the new, larger terminal configuration;
- Relocation of the adjacent gas station and United Parcel Service (UPS) operations to on-Airport locations,
- New electrical substation to meet building demand;
- Jet fuel hydrants at new gates; and
- Adjustments to the stormwater system to allow for shift from paved apron to more roof runoff.
The new terminal configuration would require relocation of certain facilities and operations on the airside and landside that are currently occupying the space the new terminal would be built upon.
These relocated activities and associated traffic operations are included in the analysis of environmental effects of the Project detailed in Chapter 5, Environmental Consequences.
- UPS would move its operations from the North Cargo Area to the South Cargo Area, utilizing existing taxiways, roadways, and buildings to accommodate the shift. No new facilities would need to be built to achieve UPS relocation.
- The gas station located to the west of Terminal E would also need to be relocated to a previously developed parcel on the Airport.
- Parking areas, ground support equipment storage, and some overnight aircraft parking positions would also be shifted to maximize the space available on the existing paved areas of the apron and ramp.
The new portion of the extended Terminal E structure would be four stories in height with a height ranging from 45 feet to 70 feet, and approximately 560,000 square feet of total area.
Within the terminal, space would be provided for passenger amenities to support future volumes, including additional ticket counters, new holdrooms at each of the seven new gates, the potential for a satellite Customs and Border Protection facility, four additional baggage carousels, restrooms, and club spaces, as well as retail space.
The new terminal area would require additional heating and cooling requirements. These would be provided from the existing Central Heating and Cooling Plant by planned efficiency upgrades over the next few years.
In addition to the above elements, Massport is also considering the installation of a new rooftop solar array on the extended terminal concourse.
3.7.1 Proposed Action – Project Phasing
Based on interim passenger and operational demand conditions and available budget, Massport is proposing that the Project be constructed in phases depending on funding availability. Construction of the Terminal E Modernization Project is planned to commence in 2018 with
- the first phase complete by 2022
The projected demand for the year 2022 is estimated to be 7 million annual passengers. Therefore, Phase 1 construction elements would not include all program elements proposed in the Proposed Action [Alternative D].
Phase 1 would include:The first phase would not require roadway realignment, as the terminal footprint would not impact the current roadway alignments. The interim phase provides a measured approach to the terminal expansion, providing facilities as they are needed, to mitigate the effect of international passenger demand fluctuations.
- the construction of four new gates accommodating Group V aircraft (or smaller)
- associated holdrooms, and elevators/escalators to relieve existing deficiencies and accommodate interim growth.
- A partial new concourse would be constructed and would allow for future expansion to a seven-gate facility.
- Relocation of ground facilities that conflict with the new concourse location, including the gas station, would be included in Phase 1.
- The three additional gates and the MBTA connection would be provided in the second phase of the Project [to be] built by 2028.
Are there any renders, or other plans available for the new 7 gates beyond the overhead shading photos they released months ago?
Why not just build the damn thing as one construction project and get it over with instead of stretching it out. Literally, it's a fairly small, new terminal with seven new gates, big deal.