Logan Airport Flights and Airlines Discussion

I believe that the pitch book just released states that all of the proposed sites in the Seaport district could accommodate a heliport. (The language though is pretty vague about what that means.)
whighlander, you didn't read the city's / state's description of the helioport very closely. They said it would be a public helioport, not a private one, exclusively for GE.
If you book Norwegian flights using Norway as your home country, round trips to Oslo in March and April are available for under $300usd. $700 for premium economy. It's in Norwegian language and the currency is NOK, but it's pretty intuitive.

For example, if you depart 4/1, and return 4/9, flights are 2,018 NOK or $228.46 USD- round trip. Just select Norway as your country of origin. I think the flights to Guadeloupe and Martinique are similarly priced too. Same dates are $250 using the US version of the site, so it's not that big of a difference; but it's a difference.
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If you book Norwegian flights using Norway as your home country, round trips to Oslo in March and April are available for under $300usd. $700 for premium economy. It's in Norwegian language and the currency is NOK, but it's pretty intuitive.

For example, if you depart 4/1, and return 4/9, flights are 2,018 NOK or $228.46 USD- round trip. Just select Norway as your country of origin. I think the flights to Guadeloupe and Martinique are similarly priced too. Same dates are $250 using the US version of the site, so it's not that big of a difference; but it's a difference.

Be very careful on your changing your point of sale... Some countries or some airlines may not let you board. I couldn't find a link to the story I read on this but one country in particular was Peru as noted in the link below. Supposedly verification of residency was required for lower fares.

You also should have a travel friendly credit card i.e one that doesn't charge foreign transaction fees.

We could probably do a floating helipad on for point channel, would be a good central location for it.
We could probably do a floating helipad on for point channel, would be a good central location for it.

Mongo -- Fort Point Channel for a heliport -- not likely unless it was on a barge -- I doubt that any helicopter pilot would want to land on that

However, there are still plenty of parking lots where a 30 foot circle could be mapped-out that wouldn't cause too much disruption
Helipad is going to to be on top of a building, guys. Like at MGH.
I've long thought that this would be the perfect spot for a public downtown helipad. It's isolated and out of the way, but still right in the thick of things. And Fort Point Channel is already an FAA designated helicopter route. Maybe that's the location "on the downtown side of the channel, near South Station and the Leather District" mentioned in the Globe article.
I've long thought that this would be the perfect spot for a public downtown helipad. It's isolated and out of the way, but still right in the thick of things. And Fort Point Channel is already an FAA designated helicopter route. Maybe that's the location "on the downtown side of the channel, near South Station and the Leather District" mentioned in the Globe article.

That is actually a perfect location. It's owned by Mass DOT. Nobody would ever want to build there. It empties onto kneeland st. The only neighbors have a freeway between them and the helos. Fuck it, pave the sucker this spring and call it a day.
That is actually a perfect location. It's owned by Mass DOT. Nobody would ever want to build there. It empties onto kneeland st. The only neighbors have a freeway between them and the helos. Fuck it, pave the sucker this spring and call it a day.

Fun fact - before the big dig, there was a chopper pad in that location for the hospital
Massport has released the passenger numbers for 2015 and a new record has been set - 33,449,580 passengers flew through Logan. This represents a 5.7% increase over 2014.

Total international passengers for 2015 was 5,534,176 which is up 10.9% over 2014.

A very impressive year for Logan and you have to think 2016 will be even higher with new services coming online.

Running some numbers based off of what Massport released, the average load to Europe for the year was 211 passengers. To Asia it was 181 passengers and to the Middle East it was 232 passengers.
Way to go, Logan, however, I would never have expected such high passenger numbers on the Middle East flights. That's a surprise for me. Any ideas as to why the Middle East flights, on average, carry higher loads than the flights to Europe and Asia?
Way to go, Logan, however, I would never have expected such high passenger numbers on the Middle East flights. That's a surprise for me. Any ideas as to why the Middle East flights, on average, carry higher loads than the flights to Europe and Asia?

Load Factor wise - the Asian carriers perform better but capacity is flat out crazy on Mid-East flights.

Emirates sends two 354 seat planes a day while the largest plane sent from East Asia is a 275 seat plane and its the Hong Kong flight only operating 4 times a week. Japan Airlines 787-8 only seats 186 and the 787-9 only had 195 seats.

There's also a lot of double connecting going on since Turkish and Emirates are taking JetBlue feed (and El Al is taking it too but its all most likely going to Tel Aviv on 1-stop itineraries)
May find out soon if TAP Portugal launches Boston-Lisbon for Summer 2016.

Looks like BOS and JFK are the new USA routes... I thought it was going to be BOS and O'hare or Toronto since TAP is already in EWR and United is doing Dulles-Lisbon this summer. Maybe something is brewing with JetBlue. I wonder what will be the depature/arrival times in crowded Terminal E. TAP would want to hit some sort of connection bank in Lisbon.

Once again in Portuguese: http://economico.sapo.pt/noticias/t...ntra-no-aeroporto-de-jfk-em-junho_240403.html


Not that it was ever official.

Why are our airlines allowed to throw tantrums like this while at the same time accusing foreign carriers of subsidies? I don't think we have any other industry involving childish antics of this level.

It happens in other businesses as well it is just not as visible and adversarial. This one surprises me though since DOT tends to vote for the consumer's best interest. On the flipside, the US Government has done nothing on the Gulf subsidies claim as well so its a two way street.

The airlines are the puppeteer and the unions are the puppets here. They have been bonkers over the Norwegian Air International issue.
