Logan Airport Flights and Airlines Discussion

All true about European airlines, but if Delta is killing CDG and AF is thinking about it as well, isn't there a risk Boston will lose its direct to Paris?

I would assume a lot of business goes there as well -- people underestimate it as an economic hub but I know lots of people who go there for business frequently.
I don't think Air France would pull out completely with this development. For a while, my thought was that Air France might turn over their flights to Delta as they have done in other smaller, less profitable markets like Philadelphia and Newark.
I would be totally bummed if DL-coded flights pulled out of BOS-CDG. People affliated with SkyTeam would be hard-pressed to keep their allegiance when flying to Africa or Asia. There's BOS-AMS but that's not really an adequate substitute.
All true about European airlines, but if Delta is killing CDG and AF is thinking about it as well, isn't there a risk Boston will lose its direct to Paris?

I would assume a lot of business goes there as well -- people underestimate it as an economic hub but I know lots of people who go there for business frequently.

Air France, and Sky Team, are not going to leave a massive market like Boston to just a single flight to Amsterdam. Boston is too large a market to be ignored. Boston will continue to enjoy year round, daily service to Paris.

Delta leaving is more indicative of their strategy to pare down non hub flying. Yes there is the Sky Team hub on the Paris end, but Delta will let AF take cares of things.

In other news, JetBlue finally came out with a Red Sox special livery for one of their 320s.
I don't think Air France would pull out completely with this development. For a while, my thought was that Air France might turn over their flights to Delta as they have done in other smaller, less profitable markets like Philadelphia and Newark.

Philadelphia and Newark were switched to Delta because they are fortress hubs for Star Alliance and were never going to generate the premiums warrant Air France's product. No sense in wasting resources when they can serve the market adequately with Delta's planes.

I would be totally bummed if DL-coded flights pulled out of BOS-CDG. People affliated with SkyTeam would be hard-pressed to keep their allegiance when flying to Africa or Asia. There's BOS-AMS but that's not really an adequate substitute.

Why is that? Seems that most everyone prefers the AF product over Delta -- a phenomenon that can be seen basically anywhere they have shared service (JFK and BOS come to mind immediately). AMS covers almost all of the same traffic flows as CDG does and is a much easier airport to connect in. Depends exactly where you are going as French-speaking Africa is obviously more accessible via Paris, but Amsterdam has a good amount of African and Asian service.
Yup, the european airlines are superior in every way. Only reason to fly an american line is price.

That's not often a big determinant either

Even though I consider myself a patriotic American the only time I fly a US carrier across either the Atlantic or the Pacific is when I get funded by a US agency and have to fly a US carrier

Otherwise when you consider:
the service on the flight -- even in coach you get stainless utensils on European carrriers
the Euro-hubs for continuing flight with their lounges
There is no contest -- I'll take:
even Icelandic any day or night
jetBlue announces BOS>DFW and BOS>Nantucket(ACK).

Twitter twit on the Globe this morning saying Jet Blue was partnering with Japan Air Lines on the Boston Tokyo route.
Twitter twit on the Globe this morning saying Jet Blue was partnering with Japan Air Lines on the Boston Tokyo route.

Yea, Yahoo Finance had reported this agreement a couple of days ago. This is a great move and should help fill the plane up, not that it will that much help anyways.
Why is that? Seems that most everyone prefers the AF product over Delta -- a phenomenon that can be seen basically anywhere they have shared service (JFK and BOS come to mind immediately). AMS covers almost all of the same traffic flows as CDG does and is a much easier airport to connect in. Depends exactly where you are going as French-speaking Africa is obviously more accessible via Paris, but Amsterdam has a good amount of African and Asian service.

I said I wouldn't want DL-coded flights to no longer run to CDG--AF codeshares are fine. Most of my travel uses USG funds and requires an American carrier or code-share.
In my experience, for my stops in Africa and Asia, CDG is much better in terms of destinations, connections and frequencies than AMS (again, for my needs). Also, I often take a layover and would MUCH rather spend a day in Paris than Amsterdam.
Massport Votes $1B 5-year Capital Budget
the ConRAC to consolidate rental car facilities in one vertical structure
major improvements to passenger circulation
Scope of Work:
This project includes a post security passenger connection between Terminals E and C, and the two piers of Terminal B. The Terminal B component includes 25 ticket counter positions, a relocated and modified passenger checkpoint with additional passenger queuing, eight reconfigured departure lounges, a secure passenger connection to Pier B, concessions shell space, toilet rooms, a ground operations cab, in-line baggage screening systems and outbound bag makeup devices, enhanced inbound baggage systems and claim devices, vertical circulation, airside improvements including reconfigured apron and aircraft fueling systems and all necessary airline and tenant support spaces. The Terminal E to C secure connector component will include interior renovations to provide a secure passenger circulation corridor near the existing outbound bag room C3. It will connect Terminal E Gates 1A-1E to Gates 11 and higher at Terminal C, Pier B. An airside glass wall will provide natural light and orient passengers moving between the Terminals as well as improve passenger convenience.

see http://www.massport.com/doing-business/_layouts/CapitalPrograms/detail.aspx?proj=L1129-C2
So with Massports increased secure connections between terminal E, C, and both legs of B, it sounds like you will be able to fly in and connect to international or domestic flights pretty easily- say jetblue from nantucket and now on to tokyo without going through more security? Am i reading that right?
Hopefully! I mean Boston will finally have a lock on that prized Nantucket-Tokyo market :)
^ haha first example that came to my head after reading the thread. Dallas to Dublin via jetblue and aer lingus is probably a better example.

I fly jetblue whenever possible, hopefully this will enable more through connections for jetblue costumers looking to go transatlantic. Basically, i just want to be able to use the points i've been hoarding to go east, but jetblue's partnerships are currently just like joint website ads.
This is a great move by Massport and one that I am sure JetBlue is in favor of.

One of the biggest complaints about connecting through Logan internationally, has to be the walk from E to the other terminals.

Also, has anyone seen any ads for JAL's Narita-Logan service? I saw one for the first time today at the JFK/UMass top on the commuter rail platform.
Why the heck Massport didn't connect ALL the terminals when they first built the glass-enclosed walkways in the first place is beyond me!! Seriously, it was a true half-assed job! The walkways they did build are really nice and work well between A, B and E but the rest are so disjointed! Glad to see they're FINALLY playing catch-up though it's still a piece-meal solution! You have to wonder who does future planning for Massport!
I know the new connector is the part we haven't been discussing since the United/Continental merger, but the bigger part of the announcement is really the confirmation of what would amount to a whole new terminal at most airports. 25 check-in counters, security check, 8 gates, though those might just be existing ones in the 2 sides which will be rearranged to work with the newly position entrance...

I think that in designing this thing, Massport would do well to look north to Portland's new terminal. It's a similar project - adding new check-in space, security, and gates on to an existing and limited old-style terminal building. Portland's strategy (security built above, removing the need to waste front-to-back space in the narrow footprint) would work pretty well here and would give an opportunity for more of those glass curtain walls airports seem to love so much these days. You could build a new food court up there too and leave almost the full width of the departures level for expanded gate areas. Bust out the roof of the old building and double the roof height, while having security-level walkways hung over the gates below. It could look really great.

The CE connector is entirely designed for JetBlue. No other airline really does international feed through Boston. AA and Delta do a little bit, but they prefer to use JFK.
The estimated construction cost for the connection space and reconfiguration of B is $71 million. Contract award supposedly next month, 18 month construction period.
