Lovejoy Wharf - Hoffman Building | 160 North Washington Street | West End

Re: Lovejoy Wharf

^ Yeah, I was gonna go with "will it be hi def in real life too?" Looks good either way though.
Re: Lovejoy Wharf

The rendering looks like a CHEAP precast POS just like TDGarden.

They are renovating the preexisiting building on this development right?

What was the reason why they didn't renovate the Old Garden?
Re: Lovejoy Wharf

The old Garden had no elevators or A/C. The fit out and modernization would have been so ridiculously expensive that it was cheaper to build new with modern amenities and the North Station integration along with the humongous parking garage below.
Re: Lovejoy Wharf

Rifle, this is a thread for Lovejoy Wharf, let's not thread-jack to re-argue the Garden yet again...
Re: Lovejoy Wharf

Looking at the rendering are the boat docks connected towards TDGarden or Lovejoy?
Re: Lovejoy Wharf

I think this building will serve as an excellent example of the contrast between pre-war construction and modern construction.

Take that as you will.
Re: Lovejoy Wharf


Re: Lovejoy Wharf

I'm excited about this development but it is too bad that this building could not realistically have be saved.
Re: Lovejoy Wharf

Isn't it being partly demolished and partly reused?
Re: Lovejoy Wharf

My understanding is that this site has two buildings. The one closest to the Garden will be demolished and the other will be saved and incorporated into the new development

I happen to really like old brick buildings. I feel that when they get torn down the city is somehow lesser for it.
Re: Lovejoy Wharf

I happen to really like old brick buildings. I feel that when they get torn down the city is somehow lesser for it.


And your understanding of the buildings (one stays, one gets replaced) is correct.
Re: Lovejoy Wharf

I'm so confused. Where is the second building? I though there was only one building here.

I also think it would have been nice if this building could have been saved. Such amazing brick detail.
Re: Lovejoy Wharf

Um... It IS being saved is it not? It's being gutted, renovated and added to.
Re: Lovejoy Wharf

It's 2 (maybe 3 even?) attached buildings. It's easiest to see the demarcation between them from the N Washington St Bridge. The building at the corner of N Wash and Causeway (the Submarine Signal Building) is the one staying. The rest is getting demoed.

Why save one and demo the other? My guess is they needed more height to make it financially feasible and the one end couldn't structurally handle the floors they need to add.
Re: Lovejoy Wharf


You can sort of see the two buildings in this pic. The one being razed starts at the step down on the roofline. It has the balconies(?)

It's clearly the lesser of the two buildings, but still a nice building in it's own right.
Re: Lovejoy Wharf

Ahhh, I see now. Thanks for clearing that up. If they are saving the majority on the left before the roof slopes, then that is great! I'll take it.
Re: Lovejoy Wharf

Was another building directly attached to what's now the blank side wall, before the Zakim Bridge was built?

(And if so, how did anyone get from Causeway Street to the dam, or before that, to the Warren Bridge?)
Re: Lovejoy Wharf

If memory serves, that exposed party wall predates the Big Dig. I remember seeing an old Stop & Shop ad painted on the wall as a kid.

But to answer your question, I don't know exactly what the configuration was before, sorry.
