MA Casino Developments

^ I hope you just copy-paste that by now. This must be the 84th time you've made that exact same post.

A casino in Everett or Revere is going to create a traffic Gridlock scenario without a proper plan-- the MBTA is a mess right now do you really believe a casino in these two locations will make a better transit into the city?

They really need to rethink the entire transit situation before this casino actually gets built

Make that 85

Sorry if we have a bunch fucking morons running the show in this state--The majority of the local people are on section 8 at this point in their life and are wondering why things are so hard in life.
I work with housing authorities all over the state. The majority of local people are not on Section 8. And I'm not sure what that has to do with TRAFFIC GRIDLOCK!!!!!!!!111!!!11
You just made my point.
Mass has a lot of uneducated voters in this state- Most of the units that are getting built supported by taxpayers Percs won't even be for the people of Mass. they will be sold to people from other countries and upper class citizens around the world.

Basically the taxpayers in mass are supporting private Developers that build projects for upper class and ultra elite around the world.

If you work for Mass housing authorities you would understand that Seaport and anything being built in the city are not for the working class Mass residents. Most of the People of Massachusetts will probably not live or ever see the Seaport district.

As for the Casino: The politicans are forcing anything through to just steal the taxpayers money but not really worrying about long-term affects especially the Traffic situation. Traffic sucks now. It will only get worse when this thing is built right between 93 along certain areas in Everett, Charlestown, Somerville which are already a mess. But nobody has actually considered any real logic on the transit situation: Just look at how the MBTA has evolved over the past 20 years.

There really is not long-term thinking anymore its what can I get now at any cost. If you think Mass needs a casino because of Jobs and its a good economic engine then you might really need to educate yourself.
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Rif, did you know that everyone pays taxes, even those who disagree with you and support the things you dont? Like development subsidies? Instead of saying "taxpayers" all the time, perhaps you could say "I", and "my".
Rif, did you know that everyone pays taxes, even those who disagree with you and support the things you dont? Like development subsidies? Instead of saying "taxpayers" all the time, perhaps you could say "I", and "my".

I pay taxes to help service the roads, better transit, pay for teachers, fireman and policemen along with local leaders salaries.

I don't promote paying taxes to help enrich these rich developers or corporations, politicans to claim that they need taxbreaks or game the currency system to help build their dreams along with enriching the connected with their useless giant building that will house people to buy 50 Million dollar condos--Then claim that its job creation and better for Mass Residents.

See Millieum project for example. How will these overall tax incentives benefit you?

The Truth to the casino is it does not really benefit the community in those areas being built: Through Transit or overall industry to the community.

Bottom line: WE ARE SUCKERS
Brockton approved by Gaming Board. Will go for a public referendum to approve it *for consideration* next week on May 12. (edited)

WHDH said:
Casino project owners, investors vetted by regulators

Posted: May 06, 2015 5:52 PM EDT
Updated: May 06, 2015 5:52 PM EDT

BROCKTON, Mass. (AP) - State gambling regulators on Wednesday approved the developers of a proposed Brockton casino, setting the stage for a referendum next week that will determine the fate of the $650 million project.

The approval means the developers are able to move forward in the competition for Massachusetts' third and final resort casino license, which is reserved for the southeastern region of the state.


Brockton residents will vote May 12 to approve the proposed casino site and a so-called "host community agreement" that would require the developers to pay the city $3 million upfront and about $10 million a year when the casino opens its door.

Full article:
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So disappointed when I saw the renderings, but the biggest disappointment is the site plan. Acres of surface parking as the face it presents to the community.

Also, they just released the traffic study and their recommendations. Not thrilled there either. More o the same to keep 123 a highway and straight in and out to casino, as opposed to making things a little more pedestrian friendly.

I have been arguing to them to push the thing up towards the street to help encourage other development along the road as opposed to continuing the seas of parking lots (of which we already have tons of in the area), to help make things safer as well as helping existing businesses. Instead they are doing what casinos do, building a vacuum so that all proceeds go to them and only them. A real symbiotic relationship could exist with other businesses in the area, but not the way they are approaching it.

City officials are unfortunately swallowing it hook line and sinker, because A. they don't know how to be a city and B. they give in to quickly to the suburban complaints of residents who seem to forget they live in the 6th largest city in MA, who have no idea what congestion in an area really is. Who think everything needs to be done for their cars. Don't seem to understand that new revenues (commercial revenues) are the way to increase police and fire as well as lower res. taxes.

I don't know how many times I hear or read things about "they need to clean up the streets and hire more cops before they think about a casino". How exactly can you do those things without money?..... woo rant.

The renderings are so blah and non-risky, that they are pathetic. Our mayor referred to them and said "it could be a new school". Yeah, that's the image you want for a resort casino..... But, he said it like it was a good thing. Sad.



The renderings are so blah and non-risky, that they are pathetic. Our mayor referred to them and said "it could be a new school". Yeah, that's the image you want for a resort casino..... But, he said it like it was a good thing. Sad.

The mayor is going long term, he knows this sucker is going to fail and they can convert it to a school afterwards.;-) Already looks the part.

Or maybe the revenue would pay for a new school?
A casino in Brockton? Just picturing the clientele in there makes me depressed.
Where is Brockton going to host their fair? Also, its right across the street from the High School, so I'm surprised the city isn't making more noise.
If the fair is to continue its long history, it will need a new home. The owner of the Fairgrounds has stated his desire to sell the land for development regardless. I think this is a bit of a bluff to scare people into thinking a Wal-Mart would go here instead. But, he is in his 80's at this point, and who could blame him for making a few bucks before he's gone. Of course, the fair hasn't always been held at this location.

Say what you will about the residents of Brockton (I have a thick skin), I'm not sure how the clientele here would differ appreciably from 95% of other casinos. Based on proximity to Rt. 24 (1.5 mile straight shot down 123), people shouldn't have too much of that ridiculous "fear" of going to Brockton.

Plenty of people are up in arms about the proximity to the High School, and to a lesser extent the middle school up the road. I for one, have no idea why this is an argument or a reason to not build something here. If something is legal, why exactly do we need to hide that from young adults (and of course some juniors and seniors who are adults already)? Hiding something makes it taboo. Putting it out in the open, makes it less so.

I can walk to the Fairgrounds from my house. Most of the superficial arguments don't bother me at all. The poor design and interaction with the community are what really bothers me. That and all the traffic lights they want to add. Annnnd did I mention the parking. Add four more storeys to the parking structure and eliminate 80-90% of the surface parking, and stay under the non-sensical height restrictions.
If the fair is to continue its long history, it will need a new home. The owner of the Fairgrounds has stated his desire to sell the land for development regardless. I think this is a bit of a bluff to scare people into thinking a Wal-Mart would go here instead. But, he is in his 80's at this point, and who could blame him for making a few bucks before he's gone. Of course, the fair hasn't always been held at this location.

Say what you will about the residents of Brockton (I have a thick skin), I'm not sure how the clientele here would differ appreciably from 95% of other casinos. Based on proximity to Rt. 24 (1.5 mile straight shot down 123), people shouldn't have too much of that ridiculous "fear" of going to Brockton.

Plenty of people are up in arms about the proximity to the High School, and to a lesser extent the middle school up the road. I for one, have no idea why this is an argument or a reason to not build something here. If something is legal, why exactly do we need to hide that from young adults (and of course some juniors and seniors who are adults already)? Hiding something makes it taboo. Putting it out in the open, makes it less so.

I can walk to the Fairgrounds from my house. Most of the superficial arguments don't bother me at all. The poor design and interaction with the community are what really bothers me. That and all the traffic lights they want to add. Annnnd did I mention the parking. Add four more storeys to the parking structure and eliminate 80-90% of the surface parking, and stay under the non-sensical height restrictions.

I think the Brockton casino would definitely target the more affluent communities of Braintree, Weymouth, others on the South Shore, Holbrook, Canton, Walpole, etc...
Sorry for my ignorance, but did Brockton win? It seems like all that happened was that their developers were approved for consideration. Was New Bedford rejected?
Sorry for my ignorance, but did Brockton win? It seems like all that happened was that their developers were approved for consideration. Was New Bedford rejected?

From the article:
A Foxwoods project in New Bedford, developed by the New York-based firm KG Urban Enterprises, is also potentially in the running, as is a Somerset casino being developed by a group called Crossroads Massachusetts. State regulators will review personal, financial and criminal records on those developers at a later date.

Robert Kelly, a representative for the Brockton development team, said Wednesday's vote wasn't surprising since a majority of the individuals and entities involved in the project have been thoroughly vetted by regulators in Massachusetts and other states.

Brockton did not "win." The others are still in the running as of now. I have edited my original post to try to clarify this fact.
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Correct. All speculative discussions about a potential casino site. Much like many of the earlier pages of this thread in regards to Suffolk Downs, Revere, etc.

There is no guarantee either of Brockton or New Bedford will be awarded the last license. The state hasn't decided on that. Makes that non-refundable application fee even more of a kick in the pants.
I wonder when Everett will get the ball rolling and start clearing the land that it chose to build the new Wynn Hotel / Casino on.

Can't wait to see the construction begin! :cool:
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I wonder when Everett will get the ball rolling and start clearing the land that it chose to build the new casino on.

Can't wait to see the construction begin! :cool:

Jahvon -- Wynn's folks are still negotiating with the MA EPA folks about how many barrels of dirt need to be removed from whre versus caps of how thick, remediation in place, etc.

it's the old I'll trade you 500 more barrels of dirt to be carted off in exchange for the the the northern corner of the western boundary of the site that needs to be capped being shifted 3' southwards

There are still a few more of these agreements to be signed sealed and delivered before the first of the dirt starts to move
