Massachusetts State Flag (we need a better state flag)

It's just so badass. One of the best examples of writing on a flag. Washington used it for his ships. I know it looks similar to the new Maine flag, but I honestly don't care.
Bunker Hill Flag, end of story. Related to the New England 'Pine Tree Flag' but also clearly distinct.

An Appeal to Heaven is super badass though.
Bunker Hill Flag, end of story. Related to the New England 'Pine Tree Flag' but also clearly distinct.
View attachment 59924

An Appeal to Heaven is super badass though.
I know it might not be the intent of the flag, but I'm never comfortable seeing a cross (or any other religious symbol) on a flag. We are a secular state in a (supposedly) secular nation and there shouldn't be any symbolism that could be misunderstood to mean the contrary.
