MBTA Construction Projects

Re: T construction news

Speaking of Worcester - this is courtesy of google ads:

Still trying to sell bonds for Prov - Worcester commuter trains

EDIT! - their system map now shows the line going to Concord NH via Ayer and Lowell!

I'm pretty sure the state has aleady stepped in and halted that over fishy legalities. I'd have to ref the last few pages of the RR.net thread to trace sequence of recent events, but company may even be involuntarily liquidated by now.
Re: T construction news

Speaking of Worcester - this is courtesy of google ads:

Still trying to sell bonds for Prov - Worcester commuter trains

EDIT! - their system map now shows the line going to Concord NH via Ayer and Lowell!

I'm pretty sure the state has aleady stepped in and halted that over fishy legalities. I'd have to ref the last few pages of the RR.net thread to trace sequence of recent events, but company may even be involuntarily liquidated by now.


"Dissolution by Court Order or by the SOC."

They're dead. Now to get some legitimate additional transit to Worcester (and up to Nashua and points north).
Re: T construction news


"Dissolution by Court Order or by the SOC."

They're dead. Now to get some legitimate additional transit to Worcester (and up to Nashua and points north).

I thought so too. I guess their advertising budget with Google hasn't run out yet as the ad - specifically selling bonds - popped up this morning and the site was still active.
Re: T construction news

This is not the appropriate thread to be discussing BSRC.
Scoped out the Harvard Busway work about 15 mins. ago. Pavement pour substantially complete away from the portals, new tactile platform strips installed, ceiling abatement work underway.

Extremely disappointed that they didn't raise the platform at all except on the furthest fringe berth, as the tactile strips signal they're done. All the study hoopla about a better level boarding interface for bus doors plus a Transitway that's had raised edges since Day 1 and they gave no consideration to ever doing that at a huge underground terminal while the pavement was being conveniently milled down to the floor.

Painful planning whiff there.
I'm also dissapointed that they've completely missed the Sept 22nd deadline for the upper busway just further dashing my hopes they can get anything done on schedule
I'm also dissapointed that they've completely missed the Sept 22nd deadline for the upper busway just further dashing my hopes they can get anything done on schedule
Oct. 22 is out of the question too with what gigantic slabs of unpoured concrete remain at the Mt. Auburn portal. They've still got marker spikes sticking out of the rubble-ized floor indicating further work before they're ready to pour. Add drying time and we've breached Nov. 1 easily.

But, wow...once I saw that bright yellow tactile strip bolted to flat, flat ground I had to double-take. Really...NO accessibility nods during a one-in-lifetime opportunity to do it and after that many PowerPoints about curb height??? Lame.:confused:
How's [what we believed to be] the new CR layover yard in Haverhill coming along ?
How's [what we believed to be] the new CR layover yard in Haverhill coming along ?

No news coverage since the June announcement and no photo spotters in a couple months since it's not at a publicly accessible spot on the tracks (not like the state line pics of freights and Downeasters that garners half-dozen NERail photos per week). However, a lot of City Council candidates for next week's election are tooting their horns about how they helped broker the deal...so somebody's already making hay off it.
Thanks, F-Line. I seem to have found an option called "Layover 6" (in the middle of a NH planning document that focused only on NH options)

Is Layover 6 what they're actually building?
View attachment 962

From Google Maps this appears to be the site:

It's either "Layover 6" from the canceled Plaistow extension with the yard access turnouts inverted to face south (Haverhill direction) instead of north (Plaistow direction). Or, it's the same location but on the opposite/Hillldale Ave. side of the tracks so driveway access stays safely within MA instead of having to permit in Atkinson for a curb cut on NH 121 where the NIMBY's would have a field day. Basically the same just with layout changes befitting a solo MA joint and full "Nyah-nyah! You can't touch me!" immunity from the Granite Staters who don't want it out by the state line about as badly as City of Haverhill does want it out by the state line.

To orient self, "State line" is the powered siding in front of a trucking company on Hilldale right before the border. Whatever obsessive photographs Pan Am freights and Downeasters for NERail all week long every week stands out on the loading platform of that company, which looks an awful lot like a low-level passenger platform even though it's not. That company (which is not an active freight customer; the T just uses their siding to park work equipment) isn't going anywhere, but the parcel in question is probably immediately adjacent to it. And out of view from that truck company's siding, since the foamers who stand there shooting trains all day aren't getting any shots of the land-clearing. That was strictly by someone with authorized access. So it's beyond the tree line from that "State Line" vantage point, and not (yet) cleared to be seen from Hilldale or the driveway of the next active freight customer down the street.
MBTA has tweeted that they reopened the Harvard elevator. Did not realize it would be completely copper-plated. Looks silly, but at least it's interesting and I'm sure it's more designed for the weathered green.
That's a neat throwback - a lot of stations originally used copper. Most of the elevated stations were copper-flashed, as was Charles. The Dorchester Extension stations (JFK/UMass through Ashmont) also used copper accents on the headhouses and canopies.
