MGH Museum/History Center

Thousands and Thousands of Rupees -- I'm guessing for a package of lung and kidney -- might be able to get about 50,000 Rupees

for refs -- typical IT Co manger might get 40,000 to 60,000 Rupees per month salaries after 3 to 5 years -- Rupee is currently at about 1/45 per $
I don't understand why you posted that here. What does it have to do with the MGH museum?
I guess this thread was on the mod chopping board cuz there was a whole side-convo on the building's copper siding and copper theft from last month and now its gone

EDIT: OH NM I found was in the other MGH thread
I sort of like the materials but this design is a little frightful.

Touch of Liberty Wharf in that bay window? Reminder that this building might have been better off as a temporary pavillion down by the Seaport.
Unfortunate how the Herald article didn't even give mention to LWA. Brand-new building and not a word about the architect that designed it.
I sort of like the materials but this design is a little frightful.

Touch of Liberty Wharf in that bay window? Reminder that this building might have been better off as a temporary pavillion down by the Seaport.

It would be a good substitute for the 1-story innovation building they're building down there I think. This building isn't the best...but the materials are cool and the rooftop garden is great (though it wouldn't have the same effect if it was indeed located on the SBW).

Overall it's a nice build.
