Millennium (Hayward) Place | 580 Washington Street | Downtown

Re: Millennium Place III | Hayward Place

Must be, that's the only public place I can think of getting that angle from.

That angle makes me wish it could fill up the frame. I would like for the Washington Street portion, at the very least, to have a few more stories.
Re: Millennium Place III | Hayward Place

If im not mistaken, opposing basketball teams stay at the ritz (not that is really matters) and I know its not manhatten and far from it, but this a fairly impressive area urbanistically speaking for people to experience the city. That being said, if we can insert higher value and more attractive shopping locations along washington st, I believe it could enhance and thus make this the 'crown jewl' section of the urban Boston experience. Sorry to deviate to much from the millennium convo, but to add to it, this building is doing a great job enhancing the experience!
Re: Millennium Place III | Hayward Place

Nice shot, was that taken from the movie theater?
yes from inside of the theater :)
Re: Millennium Place III | Hayward Place


What. the. fuck.
Re: Millennium Place III | Hayward Place

That and the gray strip next to it. I don't understand it. "Let's give this building a cohesive (if not somewhat banal) identity! EXCEPT THAT BIT THERE. LEAVE IT ALONE."

At least that section is pushed far away in the back...
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Re: Millennium Place III | Hayward Place

Also, how can anyone claim the Hayward Place side of this is less than an atrocity?
Re: Millennium Place III | Hayward Place

Trying to make us dizzy?
Did you get any reaction shots from the people watching you lay down in the road?
Oh and BTW. Great shots, I'm loving it.
Re: Millennium Place III | Hayward Place

So happy these guys are doing the Filene's tower.
Re: Millennium Place III | Hayward Place

You have any concerns about the ground floor? (Here or there?) I haven't seen anything from them that inspires any great hope.
Re: Millennium Place III | Hayward Place

SOOOO ambivalent about this design. I want to hate it. Don't. I want to like it. Still don't.

Re: Millennium Place III | Hayward Place

Anyone hear of any sales?
Re: Millennium Place III | Hayward Place

The interior courtyard facades are the best part of this building. Why they choose black glass and mullions on already-dark Washington St. is beyond me. The windows would have worked better in bright chrome or brushed nickle (see the new windows on the Colonnade Hotel and how they improved an otherwise crappy facade.
