Millennium Tower (Filene's) | 426 Washington Street | Downtown

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Re: Filene's

too early to know that; I doubt Millennium has lined up any retail tenants yet.
Re: Filene's

I remember last summer when I was living in Packard's Corner, there was some Asian student who would get picked up by his friend in a brand-new Lotus Elise. Pretty sweet ride.

The Elise is a decent track day type car, and go cart entertaining in small doses...maybe ok for a occasional pose around town. It is uncomfortable and impractical as a daily driver. The windshield breaks when you grab the A pillar to haul yourself out of it. You'd be better off with any number of German cars in the 40-60k range.
Re: Filene's

The Elise is a decent track day type car, and go cart entertaining in small doses...maybe ok for a occasional pose around town. It is uncomfortable and impractical as a daily driver. The windshield breaks when you grab the A pillar to haul yourself out of it. You'd be better off with any number of German cars in the 40-60k range.

That may be true but I don't think the guy was too worried about practicality. Most college students driving Lotuses aren't.
Re: Filene's

The New Filennium
At Filene's, we’re going from a train wreck to a celebration in one move.

Last week’s news from Downtown Crossing couldn’t be better for Boston. Not only has the long-dormant Filene’s project been reborn, but Millennium Partners and Handel Architects, the team that’s now in charge of the site, has a proven track record at precisely this kind of ambitious, complex, mixed-use, elegant district-defining project. We’re going from a train wreck to a celebration in one move.

I have often written about the sclerotic approvals process in this, and other so-called “contested cities” (cities where the demand for land is greater than the supply, most of the time). I have been involved in various ways with many excellent projects that either didn’t get built or were dramatically and negatively altered by a public review process that is too reactive and doesn’t involve enough real planning. But Mayor Menino and the BRA are to be congratulated for saving us from what could have been a much longer and more frustrating period of years with a hole at the center of the city.

I was very concerned that simply getting anything built on the Filene’s site would soon become the default position. After almost four years of emptiness, I could see the city approving of something much less interesting than the bold original, though stalled, Vornado/ Elkus Manfredi project, whose renderings have adorned the Daniel Burnham-designed portion of the old Filene’s all this time. But this new team of Millennium Partners and Handel Architects is a fabulous alternative. As has been reported, this group has worked together on many excellent urban mixed-use towers in the past and has excellent relations with City Hall, which certainly doesn’t hurt in this town.

The Millennium/ Handel team has actually created an interesting new, market-driven building type. Boston’s new Ritz-Carlton towers are only one of several such projects developed by Millennium and designed by Handel during the past 15 years. They have done other towers in New York, San Francisco, and Miami as well. What makes this work unique, however, is that it has bound together a mix of building programs (public amenities at the base, long-term and hotel space, apartments, and condominiums) that each have different identities and entrances, and that work on the balance sheet and in terms of architecture and urbanism. The buildings have active street frontage; they aren’t internalized like malls; they often have varying massing moving up, so they don’t create excessive wind on the sidewalk; and they are well designed and built with quality materials. This new type is a perfect hybrid of real estate development and design.

And the location is perfect, too. Boston needs a tower at Downtown Crossing more than it needs one anywhere else. It is a more important location than the also stopped 1,000-foot tower proposed for Federal Street on the site of the city parking garage at Winthrop Square because it visually marks the heart of the city, where major transit lines interconnect at what one hopes will again be an important retail center as well.

And there are no longstanding residential neighbors to say that the building is too tall. This is also important when we hear that the proposed building will be 500-600 feet tall. Maybe this project will nudge Boston a step closer toward building at the scale of our age, in ways that add to — rather than detract from — the character of this city.
Re: Filene's

I like the millennium towers because they contain a lowes theater, a gym, and a CVS pharmacy.
Re: Filene's

They should cut and paste that to be the Filenes tower. perfect.
Re: Filene's

That would be absolutely perfect for this location. Absolutely perfect.
Re: Filene's

Nice piece of sculpture. Wonder how it looks at street level.
Re: Filene's

Who cares! It's tall and shiny! It will look great as you drive by in your car. That's all that matters.
Re: Filene's


You would settle for a dead street scape in the most pedestrian-centric section of Boston in exchange for a shiny, pretty tower?

Don't get me wrong, it is a very pretty tower, but if the ground floor is shit, than it would be a failure in my eyes.
Re: Filene's

60% of the streetscape is still standing and can't really be changed, so it would be hard for them to botch it. Hold on... this is Boston I am talking about.
Re: Filene's

Yeah, I could see them closing most of the entrances in the old Filene's building and funneling most of the foot traffic to one or two main doors and herding people around indoors.
Re: Filene's


You would settle for a dead street scape in the most pedestrian-centric section of Boston in exchange for a shiny, pretty tower?

Don't get me wrong, it is a very pretty tower, but if the ground floor is shit, than it would be a failure in my eyes.


And how do know that there would definitely be an empty wall down there?
Re: Filene's

We don't.

We don't have any idea about what the street scape is like, which is why praising it for for being tall and pretty is short sighted.

In order of preference:

1. Tall & pretty tower with great ground floor.

2. Bland tower with great ground floor

3. Tall & pretty tower with shitty ground floor

4. Bland tower with shitty ground floor.

I think a lot of people here would swap 2 & 3. Ugh.
Re: Filene's

I was commenting on the height of the building, and how it would look in the skyline given its prominence. I wasn't, and I don't think many here are, arguing for height over quality street level interaction. The two are obviously not mutually exclusive. But given that the renders only showed the height of the building and not the ground floor that's what my comments referred two.

I hope this building is tall and "pretty"*

*Disclaimer: tall and pretty is not a substitute for a good streetscape. Do not try this at home. Comment at your own risk.
Re: Filene's

We may think we have it bad but have you ever walked around SOMA in San Francisco? This is like the paragon for 'New Buildings/Zombie Streetscapes' in a major bustling city.

There's a ton of construction going on but the streets are just horrible and we're talking about a good few square miles....
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