Millennium Tower (Filene's) | 426 Washington Street | Downtown

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From the rendering, I doubt you can see the back of the Burnham glazing from street-level.
FFS, you won't be able to see it unless you're on the tenth floor of an adjacent building!!!!!!
So I looked at it when I was leaving the office just now and it does look like they are aligned. I guess I just picked the worst angle possible this morning to take the picture from.
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I'll have to go take a look in person soon. Hopefully it is better from some angles- though I still see no reason for the inconsistent glass.
That video was a little too grandiose for my tastes. The guy who narrated is becoming the new Morgan Freeman. I can't blame people for hiring him to narrate though, the dude has velvet pipes.
Foundation for the tower crane? There's a square construction in the ground on the Franklin Street side, near the underground entrance, with a couple dozen bolts set in deep concrete, now covered with a white tarp. The bolt holes were drilled out a couple weeks ago with a drill similar to the one that dug the secant piers. Might this be the base of a tower crane?
Answering my own question: a surveyor confirmed that it's indeed the base of a tower crane.
Answering my own question: a surveyor confirmed that it's indeed the base of a tower crane.

Gromit -- sounds like there will be a lot of action picking-up in the next few months -- we might see the core of the tower poking-up over the background buildings by the end of the summer
^ Isn't the tower not being built with a leading core?

Busses -- Yes -- I'm being to casual in the post -- since the whole thing is Cast in Place Concrete -- I will amend the post by saying that by the end of the summer we should see the whole tower popping out among the lower structures in its immediate vicinity
This landing page only thing is pretty much the norm for condos now. It's all about the hype. Millennium did the same thing with Millennium Place III and Fallon did it with The Residences at Fan Pier (now 22 Liberty).
Do they really have a registration? I couldn't just call them up today and ask?
Can anyone else believe this is happening? I still don't believe it. I predict the tower portion will never get higher than 100 ft before grinding to a halt. I simply cannot expect otherwise.
Can anyone else believe this is happening? I still don't believe it. I predict the tower portion will never get higher than 100 ft before grinding to a halt. I simply cannot expect otherwise.

If it was another developer I might feel that way, but this is in Millennium's hands. They will get it done as soon as humanly possible. The only other developer as competent as Millennium in Boston right now is Samuels.
If it was another developer I might feel that way, but this is in Millennium's hands. They will get it done as soon as humanly possible. The only other developer as competent as Millennium in Boston right now is Samuels.

The only thing that has me uneasy is the financing. The land records only indicate a $128 million loan. That would mean they are self financing the other $500 million. That seems really unlikely, especially since they financed MP III mostly with loans. Regardless, all indications are we are full steam ahead.
We have lift off: (Apologies for the Quality)

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