Millennium Tower (Filene's) | 426 Washington Street | Downtown

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The glass reminds me of the Hancock tower. Its amazing to me that some 40 plus years later the Hancock's appereance barely looks dated and is still relevant

Is your camera having trouble focusing in this extreme cold? I ask because I've noticed this happening in some of your pics recently and mine has been having some issues as well, mainly when I zoom in super far. At first I thought my precious telephoto was busted but luckily I haven't had any problems in a week or so.

Back on topic, this latest set of yours is the first set that's made me think, oh wow this one's reached epic proportions and it's really truly happening. This is when things get good!
The glass reminds me of the Hancock tower. Its amazing to me that some 40 plus years later the Hancock's appereance barely looks dated and is still relevant

Also, it reminds me of One World Trade Center, as well as 7WTC & 3WTC in New York! :cool:
Is your camera having trouble focusing in this extreme cold? I ask because I've noticed this happening in some of your pics recently and mine has been having some issues as well, mainly when I zoom in super far. At first I thought my precious telephoto was busted but luckily I haven't had any problems in a week or so.

KZ you are correct. The morning temps seem to bother zooming in auto mode. Yesterday I switched to manual mode and things cleared up. I also found that once the temps get in the upper 20's (mid afternoon) the zooming in auto mode seems to be ok.
Huh, even going to full manual I couldn't get the lens to focus, like with the first shot here. I wanted to zoom in way more than that but the focus was complete garbage anywhere past that point. And now that I think of it it was early AM for me too.
Viewing from Harrison and E Berkeley this morning, it appears like a *second* crane jump happened this past weekend (I believe there was one in the last week of two).

Anyone working in DTX area that can confirm?
Will check at lunch today. I also had the chance to do a site tour last Tuesday and will upload a bunch of phone pics I took.
It looks higher but not by too much. Hard to tell. It seems like they haven't been progressing in height too much lately, but if they did bump up a floor or two and also raise the crane it could all look the same still. From my vantage point at least (35 floor, corner of State and Congress).
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Tracking this building is like a fine wine. Take a sip and then check in a few weeks later and be amazed how far it's gone. Only seems like yesterday they were doing the massive foundation pour.
you can now see not just the cranes but the building from the Tobin Bridge.
you can now also see it from Storrow dr right before Fenway off ramp
Tracking this building is like a fine wine. Take a sip and then check in a few weeks later and be amazed how far it's gone. Only seems like yesterday they were doing the massive foundation pour.

This is how a normal person would do it. Then you have somebody like me, seeing it 1-2 times a week for no other reason than I can't stay away. Your method is probably healthier.

By the way, the glazing is flying up now! You can actually see the ripples in the glass and the illusion of the floors not lining up. This tower is really going to be something else.
today sitting in traffic with the phone[/IMG][/URL]
This is how a normal person would do it. Then you have somebody like me, seeing it 1-2 times a week for no other reason than I can't stay away. Your method is probably healthier.

Ha: every time I brew a java I look at it. One of my colleagues is an avid reader, but is still meh about the project. So I watch it, and ponder it, in silence (with a great view).
Work @ 16? or even 17? -- Wow :cool:

With the sun setting at almost 6:45 Sunday and near to 11 hours of daylight -- given a bit warmer days with fewer weather problems -- the 20 floor milestone can be celebrated by Patriots Day

Starting from about 15 in March -- in the next 7 months of the prime building season this will really sprout

Including the crane -- by the time the leaves are gone again -- the Millenium Tower will be visible from an amazing number of vantage points
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