Millennium Tower (Filene's) | 426 Washington Street | Downtown

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Re: Filene's

Ron, I should be considered the expert. Have I ever been wrong? About anything?

I think the correct way to say Faneuil Hall is "fannel hall", but, again, if you say it that way, people will roll their eyes. So, I say "fanyul hall". I would never say "fan-you-al hall".
Re: Filene's

Gina tells me that Suffolk Construction has slathered notices all over our neighborhood announcing the rump of the 50's building will be smashed to bits between 5 a.m and 7 a.m. on Friday, June 6. Hawley St. will closed for the festivities.

Regrettably, no photos, as this is just after Toby's bedtime.
Re: Filene's

Does anybody live around there?
Re: Filene's

Ron: no. REM sleep right about then.
KZ: yes. You would be surprised. (And I don't mean just the Arch St. "irregulars" and other assorted perverts and winos.)
Re: Filene's

As to pronunciation of the name of the store that was formerly and formally a basement

the late William Pierce, offical voice of the Boston Symphony, and WGBH used to do the sign off (when TV stations still signed off) for the WGBH Educational Foundation (the actual entity that owns the TV license) -- he was always extremely and almost obsequiously precise in his pronunciation of all things -- with his extraordinary and extraordinarily resonant bass baritone

He said William A and Lincoln Fielene -- where the i was long and the e was also long and there was a bit of an accent on the Fie followed by lene

Westy -- back by popular demand most recently in Budapest
Re: Filene's

As to the eponymous (love to use that word) Hall that was enlarged and rebuilt by Mr Bull and Finch minus the and

Peter?s father was a Huguenot from France and like his compatriot Apollinaire Reviere (later to be Paul Revere the eleder) he would have pronounced it Fanuwele -- which is actually moderately close to the common modern mispronunciation by the typical tourist who call it Fanuell

My guess that because the mix of vowel sounds was too tough -- that Bostonians in the eighteenth Century converted it to Funnel and thence to Fanel or sometimes Fanol

Westy (before Budapest there was Oxford and before that Gdansk and before that I was here)
Re: Filene's

And here is one of those WGBH sign-ons, complete with the pronunciation of Filene's noted above. Watch the whole thing, it's pretty cool.

Edit: I did not want to embed the above video, I just wanted to link it. I have no idea why it does not work. Go to YouTube and search for "WGBH Sign-on", it's the first result.
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Re: Filene's

Here are some views from the street, Monday June 9.





Re: Filene's

I love the view of the site from inside DSW across the street... I need to take my camera next time I go to DTX.
Re: Filene's

Toby is in hot water again.


Maybe a gift of perfume will help. Filenes has a good selection!


They ought to take more pride in their entrance!


They must have had a killer sale! Not much left!


Perhaps that floorwalker over there can help me.


No? At least I found the light switch!


Maybe the perfume department is over here.


What's this? The Toy Department!


Toby loves Tonka toys! No perfume here, though. Maybe upstairs?


Whoa! I don't think that escalator is going anywhere!


Let's see what's up here.


Don't see any Chanel No. 5 around here!


Looks like Toby will have to try Macy's!
Re: Filene's

Haha great pictures, and great captions.
Re: Filene's

I'm in my fifties, and this is my first attempt to post something on Youtube, not sure if it will work or not. This is 10 seconds of the demo work today at the Filene's site:

<object width="425" height="350"> <param name="movie" value=""> </param> <embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="350"> </embed> </object>
Re: Filene's

(scratches head)

I'll post the video once I figure it out - it's not terribly exciting but it's still cool to watch things go smash.
Re: Filene's

pelhamhall, I'm going to post your video (so that I may 'practice') but don't let it discourage you from posting it also so that you know how to do it in the future.

Re: Filene's

Did someone take down the video already? It says it's no longer available.
Re: Filene's

seems that way, huh. I wonder if i posted it incorrectly, or if it's actually gone. It doesn't help that I don't know what the original video was to begin with . . .
Re: Filene's

A few more photos:

Just in case you needed an update on 45 Province...

Not sure what this is doing... I guess it made me feel 'safer'...

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