Millennium Tower (Filene's) | 426 Washington Street | Downtown

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Re: Filene's

Man, you'd think we were married or something! As it happens, and not because you ordered me, I will be in the neighborhood on Sunday! :) Till then:








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Re: Filene's

great shots toby.... I wish 45 was going another 10 stories.. it would really be somethin... Obviously I'm excited about Filene's... I think its great for the city and development... and it points out that this area is ripe for development... financial district is stagnant, and building in the back bay is a pain, but "mid-town" around here and theatre district has possibilities...

I'm for it and against it at the same time. Refer to the thread "Is Boston built for babies?" Right now, its clearly not. DTX and parts of the theatre district are natural, non-forced urban areas with urban vitality and diversity. I always feel as if this area is more "real" and less contrived than any other part in Boston. There's less suburban yups and more people that actually comprise the city. I'd love to see this area developed, but I fear its at the expense of the true fabric of a city.
Re: Filene's

Thanks, Suffdude. Welcome to the new Filene's Basement:









Re: Filene's

I don't know how they ever thought they could stay open while this was going on.
Re: Filene's

This could be a stupid question, but I'll throw it out there anyway:

Are most people in Boston and the immediate 'burbs aware that Filene's Basement is re-opening after this project is completed? It seems that most people out here [on the South Coast] are under the impression that it's lost forever. I'm sure it won't be exactly the same, but these people seem to think that the concept of Filene's Basement at DTX is no more. I was just wondering if the city residents are more aware of what this project entails than the residents here.
Re: Filene's

Filene's Basement has not yet publicly announced whether the reopened DTX store will continue to feature automatic markdown. Until they do, the doubts that you hear expressed are reasonable.

None of the branch stores, including the new one in Back Bay, have automatic markdown.
Re: Filene's

^Actually, they have...I'm way too lazy to search through 63 pages, but in an article somewhere in this thread they promised that the Basement, along with its signature markdowns, would return in 2009. There was some concern that they would turn into just another department store, but I think they realized what a mistake that would be.
Re: Filene's

Aha! I found it! This is from page 22....

Originally Posted by The Globe
Main Filene's Basement store to close till '09

Filene?s Basement Inc., unable to find temporary quarters during a massive rebuilding project in Boston?s Downtown Crossing, will close its legendary flagship store from Aug. 31 to spring 2009.

The chain said that when the flagship store reopens, its famous automatic markdowns on prices will resume, something that had been in doubt.

The store will close as a plan to redevelop the former Filene?s building into condominiums, a hotel, offices, and retail space kicks into high gear.

??After an exhaustive search, Filene?s Basement was unable to identify a temporary location that was large enough to accommodate their existing operations,?? the company said in a prepared statement.
(By Chris Reidy, Globe staff)
Re: Filene's

Filene's Basement without automatic markdown is just an upmarket Marshall's. No thanks.
Re: Filene's

Well, that's it for the major demo. Thanks Toby!

Filene's as we know it is gone. :(

When should we start the One Franklin thread?
Re: Filene's

Anyone know what the construction schedule looks like for this project? I thought I remember seeing that all demo work would be done in early June. When might we see some steel start to rise?
Re: Filene's

Well it isn't early June yet and judging by toby'y photos it looks like steel might not go up until late July, maybe later depending on how deep the foundations will be.
Re: Filene's

All that's left of the Franklin-Hawley building is the Franklin Street facade. Somehow I thought more of this building would remain.
Re: Filene's

Actually, the Hawley St facade is still there. You just can't see it from the angle shown in the last two photos.
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