Millennium Tower (Filene's) | 426 Washington Street | Downtown

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Great pic Dirty Water. I love that view of MT. Reminds me of the super narrow look the Hancock gives from parts of Memorial Drive. I always thought JHT looked like a glass silo from that view.

P.S. Is Google doing bike paths now? What is this contraption they're driving?
If you replace the word "pressure" with the word "partnering," then the whole conversation changes. Pressuring is ugly. Partnering is nice.

Well, the conversation changes, but not from ugly to nice, but rather from ugly to silly. If the owners really want to keep on land-banking that site, and apparently they do, current law affords the city precious little leverage to force them to change their minds. If they pay their taxes and maintain the site well enough to prevent public nuisances of the rodent / drug den / etc sort, they can't be pressured. (Upsetting fellow citizens who want development to happen does not rise to the level of a public nuisance in the eyes of the law.) If the BRA or the mayor publicly reached out with an offer to partner and got rudely rebuffed, they'd just look silly. If they have some idea for partnering, they'll raise it privately, and if rebuffed, none of us will ever hear about it.
Is this thing really not going to be lit up at night?
Doesnt appear to. We should start a go fund me for crown lighting and a roof over the mechanicals. It looks unfinished from the southern part of the city.
Keep in mind that the crown of this building rises right up from the penthouse terrace. If I paid $30+ million for that unit I probably wouldn't want my terrace lit up with flood lights every night. That has to be taken into consideration...
Is this thing really not going to be lit up at night?

Unbelievable. I like Boston's skyline, but it has the most poorly lit-at-night skyline of any major city that I can think of. I'm always amazed when I go to other cities and see how nice they look at night.
Unbelievable. I like Boston's skyline, but it has the most poorly lit-at-night skyline of any major city that I can think of. I'm always amazed when I go to other cities and see how nice they look at night.

Agreed. Also there are plenty of high-rises in Boston that would be dramatically improved aesthetically if they were to add crown-lighting, even if it's decades after the original construction.

One Boston Place's ridiculous little box-hat is practically begging to be lit up at night. How much more would I (and I imagine many) have positive feelings towards that monolith if it had some cool tip-top lighting at night?

The pregnant building has some semi-interesting countours up at the very top that, if lit, would make that tower way more appealing, also.

I realize there are costs associated with, but...

What's that stumpy white '60s building with the equally fat MP at the top which, only a few years ago, they started lighting up blue every night? That thing goes from "bleagh" during the day, to one of the points your eye is drawn to at night and makes that thing WAAAAAY more of an asset to the skyline.

Sorry if this is too off-topic.
What's that stumpy white '60s building with the equally fat MP at the top which, only a few years ago, they started lighting up blue every night? That thing goes from "bleagh" during the day, to one of the points your eye is drawn to at night and makes that thing WAAAAAY more of an asset to the skyline.

Off topic but recently i was wondering how the hancock would look if they lit the cut.

On MT they could have done this same effect on the steps across the facade.
^ pretty freakin' awesome, IMO. And it's non-residential, so they wouldn't have to worry about complaints of a blue glow intruding people's bedrooms
^ pretty freakin' awesome, IMO. And it's non-residential, so they wouldn't have to worry about complaints of a blue glow intruding people's bedrooms

This may be a childhood memory gone awry, but on the old JHT didn't they used to light the top? I don't mean the weather beacon, I mean the stepped pyramid/ziggurat thing leading up to it. Maybe even the setbacks from the base?
This may be a childhood memory gone awry, but on the old JHT didn't they used to light the top? I don't mean the weather beacon, I mean the stepped pyramid/ziggurat thing leading up to it. Maybe even the setbacks from the base?

For a while they lit the entire facade of the building as well as the top.
do you know when that stopped and why? i know the beacon was out during the energy crisis in the '70s, but i feel like the whole sh-bang was lit up when i was a little kid (80s).
Not sure why. Perhaps simply a cost-saving measure or a nod to energy conservation.
Started with Menino, and for good reason. Why waste money and energy. Besides, I, and a lot of others, like the dark skyline at night. Looks surreal.
do you know when that stopped and why? i know the beacon was out during the energy crisis in the '70s, but i feel like the whole sh-bang was lit up when i was a little kid (80s).
ugh ur making me feel old kid lol not my pic btw
It looked really good they need to bring that back. I agree with all of the sentiments so far much more lighting needed, and the Hancock slit would look great too. Its funny because lighting just makes it looks like a ton is going on there. You look at the seaport and it looks like a huge party is going on down there because theres so much lighting.
There's a few towers that were lit up upon completion that are no longer lit up , 101 Arch 133 federal ,222 Berkley,75 state st ,125 Summer st , 1 Financial place ect,though I've haven't been downtown at nite in a while so I could be wrong
There's a few towers that were lit up upon completion that are no longer lit up , 101 Arch 133 federal ,222 Berkley,75 state st ,125 Summer st , 1 Financial place ect,though I've haven't been downtown at nite in a while so I could be wrong

There is a (small) residential tower (22 floors) in my neighborhood, Chinatown, with both facade and crown lighting, the Metropolitan, 1 Nassau Street. It looks quite nice at night, and residents do not seem to mind the lighting. We are, after all, living in the city.
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