Millennium Tower (Filene's) | 426 Washington Street | Downtown

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I read in an article this and a few more pieces of the Filenes building are incorporated into the ground level of the project. On another note this looks great with the darker accents at the ground floor. This project overall is exactly how Boston should be doing new development. Incorporate old structures into the ground level, don't be afraid of height, always add trees, and no more plain boxes. We may be at critical mass for slanted roofs though at this point. This building just may have made a very strong point against NIMBYs who do not want height. It can be done the right way for Boston and when they see this up close and personal they may realize both sides can win. Especially here with the effect that this disappears the closer you get to it. Looking back on it I cant believe this is what we ended up with as a final result. This is actually better than all of the proposals that lead up to the finished project. Especially the most recent before the final concept. We all know how this is usually the case but in reverse. This is a huge win for the city.

Stick -- the overall quality of the work of Millennium, Suffolk, Handel in delivering "Millie" with attached Burnham, on-time, though with budget compliance unknown -- should be a HUGE point in their favor with respect to the decision on the 111 Federal Project

These folks know how to do it right and with some flair -- Bravo
About to go off topic for 1 second but I hope this is a reflection of what will happen if Millennium wins for the 111 fed project. Deliver good renders initially and then absolutely demolish it out of the park for the finished product. We all know we wont get any of the proposals thus far from any developer as a finished product. Hopefully they take some cues from this and improve every time until its built.

Anyways this is as good as could have possibly been built here. Restricted height is never going to get some gaudy crown, but they absolutely delivered on every aspect. If I had to pick one thing I didn't like it would have to be the windows not being fixed in place. I can live with it though for the overall finished product. From a distance this perfectly creates a focal point centered in downtown, it honestly makes everything else around it look better. Then from up close the ground level perfectly integrates into the existing fabric and the tower disappears. My hats off to this project, this is a billion times better than we usually get in this city, and I have no complaints. Its crazy to think that were just getting started. With 1 Dalton being even taller and uniquely shaped, 111 fed finally bringing the new king of downtown, copley filling in the gap with another uniquely shaped tower, GCG....etc, and bla bla bla we've heard it all before. Anyways Boston is officially killing it right now.
Also saw this on vimeo. I thought it gives an interesting perspective on the back bay being framed like a picture on the wall.

About to go off topic for 1 second but I hope this is a reflection of what will happen if Millennium wins for the 111 fed project. Deliver good renders initially and then absolutely demolish it out of the park for the finished product. We all know we wont get any of the proposals thus far from any developer as a finished product. Hopefully they take some cues from this and improve every time until its built.

Anyways this is as good as could have possibly been built here. Restricted height is never going to get some gaudy crown, but they absolutely delivered on every aspect. If I had to pick one thing I didn't like it would have to be the windows not being fixed in place. I can live with it though for the overall finished product. From a distance this perfectly creates a focal point centered in downtown, it honestly makes everything else around it look better. Then from up close the ground level perfectly integrates into the existing fabric and the tower disappears. My hats off to this project, this is a billion times better than we usually get in this city, and I have no complaints. Its crazy to think that were just getting started. With 1 Dalton being even taller and uniquely shaped, 111 fed finally bringing the new king of downtown, copley filling in the gap with another uniquely shaped tower, GCG....etc, and bla bla bla we've heard it all before. Anyways Boston is officially killing it right now.

Amen brother. We might even get SST and more....
Spring '17? I thought they were a lot closer to completion than that.
Spring '17? I thought they were a lot closer to completion than that.


I think that ad was meant for one of the fashion clothing stores scheduled to open sometime next year. But then again, why would a fashion store put up an ad for opening next year? Unless they are putting a mall in there?

The tower itself is supposed to open for business this summer. :cool:
I think that's Old Navy.

Seriously? Or was that sarcasm? Just find a thrifty shop like that interesting for MT.

Primark, H&M, Gap Factory Outlet, TJ Maxx and Marshall's all within a block of this place. Isn't there enough of "that" already?
Seriously? Or was that sarcasm? Just find a thrifty shop like that interesting for MT.

Primark, H&M, Gap Factory Outlet, TJ Maxx and Marshall's all within a block of this place. Isn't there enough of "that" already?

Yes. Old Navy. It was announced earlier and its clearly in the signage in the photos above.

DTX has been where "the common man has gone to shop" for a century from Filenes Basement to Jordans Basement to Woolworths to Marshalls to TJX to H&M to Primark to the GAP Outlet & now Old Navy. The luxury retail can stay on Newbury & in Copley Place. The affordable down-market retail will keep DTX a vibrant active place filled with people.
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Seriously? Or was that sarcasm? Just find a thrifty shop like that interesting for MT.

Primark, H&M, Gap Factory Outlet, TJ Maxx and Marshall's all within a block of this place. Isn't there enough of "that" already?

Not to mention Forever 21, which recently opened on Washington Street, and DSW. But, I don't see it as a bad thing. DTX will never be a luxury clothing shopping district. And that's OK.
Yes. Old Navy. It was announced earlier and its clearly in the signage in the photos above.

Said this a million times in this thread & the DTX thread. DTX has been where "the common man has gone to shop" for a century from Filenes Basement to Jordans Basement to Woolworths to Marshalls to TJX to H&M to Primark to the GAP Outlet & now Old Navy. The luxury retail can stay on Newbury & in Copley Place. The affordable down-market retail will keep DTX a vibrant active place filled with people.

is there really no middle ground between $5 shirts at Old Navy and $5,000 pocketbooks at Gucci? Target would have been better for that space and would not have turned DTX into Newbury. Even a Nordstrom would not have "Newburyized" the neighborhood. I agree that Old Navy is an odd choice for the most luxurious residential tower (for now) in the city regardless of the other discount stores in the immediate area.
Is Old Navy really a step below Target in terms of price/quality? I always thought of them as on par.

That said, Target would obviously offer a much wider selection of goods.

I kind of wish Costco would open some sort of offspring non-warehouse retail chain.
Old Navy is a step up in quality compared to Primark. I'm still amazed that one of the cheapest clothing stores in the area opened under such an expensive tower.
Yes. Old Navy. It was announced earlier and its clearly in the signage in the photos above.

Said this a million times in this thread & the DTX thread.

Chill the fuck out dude. Sorry I don't read every comment of all the threads all the time.

I still think it's odd that the mist high-end building in recent history is going to house a $5 t-shirt mill. But that's just my opinion.
Come on folks, let's all relax a bit. Yes, people should generally try to be aware of prior discussions before commenting, but at the same time, let's cut people some slack too - as a testament to how much incredible development has gone on in our city, there's an (overwhelming) TON of material here.

Let's find the balance guys, and keep it classy : )
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