Millennium Tower (Filene's) | 426 Washington Street | Downtown

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^Neat, thanks guys!

I figured w/ the subway lines running nearby and dealing with the old foundation scheme, that wouldn't have been possible, but I continue to be impressed w/ the scope of this project!

BigPicture -- for those of you who remember -- There were two levels to Filene's Basement -- a men's and the one for the ladies
where they took there street clothes off in the Isles :D -- now all we have are naked Maseratis, horns that sound like OomPah Bands, a chargin bull here or there
, boring Bentley only fit for your butler
, and perhaps a Prancin Horse or two
Oh Well times change -- :(
Only the first of these pictures is necessary & the rest just stretch the thread/add images to load time for no reason at all. Post reported.

Wiggy, if you need to go 190mph, just let me know.

i accidentally clicked on the first page. Saw the original render

and thought i'd been kidnapped and taken against my will to the TD Garden.
CjbSki --talking about parking garage in a building whose residences go from a low of $800k up to $35M -- seems like the kinds of cars you are likely see in the Uber Garage [well Unter Garage] for the Ubers

and the first -- well reminiscence of what its was like when real Ubers actually shopped there -- Mrs. Saltonstall was once asked who made the shirts for the Senator and she replied that he bought them for himself in the Basement
CjbSki --talking about parking garage in a building whose residences go from a low of $800k up to $35M -- seems like the kinds of cars you are likely see in the Uber Garage [well Unter Garage] for the Ubers

You can express that sentiment/make that joke without posting 1680x1050 pictures of the cars & even worse, logos.

Also people, please make sure you are reporting Whigh's posts when you see something that is off-topic, unnecessary or inappropriate. Don't just post in the thread. The mods and admins need to see the effect Whigh's posts have on the board.
If you're taking a survey, I think his posts bring a little life to an otherwise bland blog.
He often goes off topic, but has a jovial personality and some of his posts are pretty interesting. (albeit usually in the wrong place)

If you (not aimed at anybody specifically) don't like his posts, don't read them. If 3 (admittedly nonsensical) pictures of cars are going to crash the page for you, get a new computer/phone/whatever.

At the end of the day, he's an old guy with old stories and anecdotes that you may or may not be interested in. But he's not a BAD guy. There is no need to treat him like some sort of criminal. Plenty of people here could be accused of "ruining" the board at different times, myself included. Leave the guy alone.
If you (not aimed at anybody specifically) don't like his posts, don't read them. If 3 (admittedly nonsensical) pictures of cars are going to crash the page for you, get a new computer/phone/whatever.

That's not the problem at all. It's opening up a thread and having all the images load inconsistently with the scrollbar bouncing up and down as the images load on the thread and the additional data loads for images on the page when viewing on mobile. Takes forever to be able to see the bottom of the page where whatever new post is. Then just as you think you can read the post, an image somewhere loads and pushes it off the screen. Those extra unrelated images just compound the problem and that's why the mods & admins have cracked down on large images in posts that call upon the auto-resizing vBulletin script, which adds to the load time even further.
That's not the problem at all. It's opening up a thread and having all the images load inconsistently with the scrollbar bouncing up and down as the images load on the thread and the additional data loads for images on the page when viewing on mobile.....

Admittedly, I always view these threads on desktop/laptop computers, and never on mobile, so it tends to load faster and doesn't present the same set of problems.
Datadyne -have you seen the Simpsons episode featuring tw untimely demise of Homer's new colleague Frank Grimes? There's a very similar and humorous dynamic between you and Westie playing out here.
FG: "YOU'VE been to SPACE?"
HS: "Suuuure... you've never been?"
He often goes off topic, but has a jovial personality and some of his posts are pretty interesting. (albeit usually in the wrong place)

If you (not aimed at anybody specifically) don't like his posts, don't read them. If 3 (admittedly nonsensical) pictures of cars are going to crash the page for you, get a new computer/phone/whatever.

At the end of the day, he's an old guy with old stories and anecdotes that you may or may not be interested in. But he's not a BAD guy. There is no need to treat him like some sort of criminal. Plenty of people here could be accused of "ruining" the board at different times, myself included. Leave the guy alone.

DZH -- Thanks

This Forum sometimes gets buried with a lot of "Inside baseball" or "Rules of Golf"

Many of the people who follow what's happening on the bg scale have comments that aren't specific to a particular post -- but are germane to the discussion nonetheless

So when MT or "Millie" comes up there is a predictable set of posts from a predictable set of posters -- -- sometimes its just fun to be fun

Wouldn't you like to once in your life have the dilemma after dropping down to the garage from your "Pied a Terre in the Sky" -- delicious irony in that -- to now have to chose between the Bentley or the Prancing Horse or maybe even the Land Rover

Note: especially for the bandwidth or video graphics processor memory challenged -- no pictures except for mental ones
He often goes off topic, but has a jovial personality and some of his posts are pretty interesting. (albeit usually in the wrong place)

If you (not aimed at anybody specifically) don't like his posts, don't read them. If 3 (admittedly nonsensical) pictures of cars are going to crash the page for you, get a new computer/phone/whatever.

At the end of the day, he's an old guy with old stories and anecdotes that you may or may not be interested in. But he's not a BAD guy. There is no need to treat him like some sort of criminal. Plenty of people here could be accused of "ruining" the board at different times, myself included. Leave the guy alone.

Exactly how I see it. People who can't stand his posts should use the ignore feature, the rest of us won't be bothered by you not seeing his sometimes annoying, at other times delightful, contributions.
Thanks, as always, BeeLine.
Man, the sharp, crisp lines of MT's glass really contrast with Exchange Place. I sometimes think this makes Exchange Place look always looked like it was 80's era, but MT in the same view holds a magnifying glass on that. (I have no issue w/ Exchange Place, just pointing out how this contrast makes it stand out differently now).
Thanks, as always, BeeLine.
Man, the sharp, crisp lines of MT's glass really contrast with Exchange Place. I sometimes think this makes Exchange Place look always looked like it was 80's era, but MT in the same view holds a magnifying glass on that. (I have no issue w/ Exchange Place, just pointing out how this contrast makes it stand out differently now).

I've noticed that, too, though with a slightly different take. I like MT quite a bit, but I think Exchange Place is way more aesthetically pleasing and successful. The spots/views where you get both in near-direct juxtaposition only underscores that, for me.

Tomayto/Tomahto, I suppose.
From Sunday.


I read in an article this and a few more pieces of the Filenes building are incorporated into the ground level of the project. On another note this looks great with the darker accents at the ground floor. This project overall is exactly how Boston should be doing new development. Incorporate old structures into the ground level, don't be afraid of height, always add trees, and no more plain boxes. We may be at critical mass for slanted roofs though at this point. This building just may have made a very strong point against NIMBYs who do not want height. It can be done the right way for Boston and when they see this up close and personal they may realize both sides can win. Especially here with the effect that this disappears the closer you get to it. Looking back on it I cant believe this is what we ended up with as a final result. This is actually better than all of the proposals that lead up to the finished project. Especially the most recent before the final concept. We all know how this is usually the case but in reverse. This is a huge win for the city.
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