I love the taller building, but I’m honestly not sure what I feel about the shorter wider one. It engages me, but there is something that pushes me away as well. Maybe it’s too wide for where it is, and I might like it better somewhere else? I want to like it a lot, I really do… but I’m genuinely not sure ...A couple new angles today
IMG_1165 by Bos Beeline, on Flickr
^I still think the rust-colored window framing was an ingenious way to integrate this glass facade into the endless sea of Kendall red brick
But this isn’t a BU building.Agree it works well... not sure I would say "ingenious" in an original way since it is very similar to the facade of the "BU Center for Memory and Pain" building. BU building has a different color, but similar in the way it uses a material that has a shade of color similar to some nearby buildings on what would otherwise be a glass facaded building.