National Politics Thread

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4 years ago today, Barack Obama became the first president to mention gay rights in an inaugural. How times have changed... =(

"We, the people, declare today that the most evident of truths -- that all of us are created equal -- is the star that guides us still; just as it guided our forebears through Seneca Falls, and Selma, and Stonewall..."

- Pres. Barack Obama during his 2nd Inaugural address, the first president to ever mention gay rights and not just in passing, but by DIRECTLY referencing Stonewall.
The women's' march is absolutely amazing and an inspiration. I have never seen more unity than today. I hope the resistance to a Trump presidency continues. I hope this is the beginning of the America Spring as we resist against fascist nationalism.

What's more amazing is that between this and the Press Secretary's news conference is that they sound more and more like administration belong to China and North Korea. This "alternative facts" is no different than when NK constantly say that their country is full of food and freedom when in fact it's everything but.

Congratulation Trump supporters. You literally voted in the US version of Kim Jong Un.
What's more amazing is that between this and the Press Secretary's news conference is that they sound more and more like administration belong to China and North Korea. This "alternative facts" is no different than when NK constantly say that their country is full of food and freedom when in fact it's everything but.

Congratulation Trump supporters. You literally voted in the US version of Kim Jong Un.

Oh please, Kim jong un is way more honest than Trump.
Liberty; what America's urban snowflakes will take over 120M dead American patriot's bodies;

to the occupy Wall Street, snowflakes; and their urban, lunatic communist sycophants;

best of luck.

As conceived, Obamacare was an outlandish Grand Theft of people's Liberty;

it was already well on it's way to total and utter collapse.

it stole health care from millions of American's who were paying for their own care,

stole the personal doctors from millions of people after promising just the opposite,

defrauded Millions of the young and middle class into paying triple and quadruple of what they take from the health care system,

all but bankrupted medicare for future generations.

and puts the future of health care in America into terrible jeopardy that Trump probably won't be able to undo. i congratulate Obama; he very probably succeeded in destroying the remnants of a marginally functioning health care system, that will now get far worse before it gets better.

Obama attempted to turn the American free sovereign into somebody else's personal slaves.

that a few members of the Supreme Court, well insulated from the continual carnage being unleashed on our economy and Liberty through endless fraud perpetrated by Washington criminals was the saddest day since the assassination of Thirty Five.

the theft of people's life and liberty through the slamming of a graduated, increasing, unsustainablke fraudulent socialist utopia (a clear, and demonstrable slippery slope to totalitarianism) upon our lives is explained in the video below.
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Liberty; what America's urban snewflakes will take over 120M dead American patriot's bodies;

best of luck.

As conceived, Obamacare was an outlandish Grand Theft of people's Liberty;

it stole health care from millions of American's who were paying for their own care,

stole the personal doctors from millions of people after promising just the opposite,

defrauded Millions of the young and middle class into paying tripple and quadruple of what they take from the health care system,

all but bankrupted medicare for future generations.

and puts the future of health care in America into terrible jeopardy that Trump probably won't be able to undo.

and attempted to turn the American free sovereign into somebody else's personal slaves.

just that; plain and simple. that a few members of the Supreme Court, well insulated from the damage done to our economy and our Liberty through endless fraud perpetrated by Washington criminals was the saddest day since the assassination of Thirty Five.

the theft of people's life and liberty through the slamming of an unsustainablke fraudulent socialist utopia (a clear, and demonstrable slippery slope to totalitarianism) upon their lives is explained in the video below.

I hear they're doing wonderful things with lobotomies these days.
That was an outstanding example of alternative facts. Thank you for sharing!
but, but..... Obysmal said over and over.


You don't like, it, win an election!!

Comrade Obysmal said $940B over 10 years. THAT'S A LIE.

Comrade Obysmal said my health care would go down $2,500.

He promised me UTOPIA. Dammit i want what he promised.

Obysmal said UTOPIA is my GOD GIVEN RIGHT!!


Ok, he's gone. actually, thank GOD he's gone.

i never had a problem with moderate Democrats who respect the Constitution and the Rule of Law. Unfortunately, the Joe Lieberman's and Jack Kennedy's of America are gone, replaced by an utterly demented, radical left fringe movement.

However, the foundation upon which the Democrat Lunatic Fringe party has been rebuilt appears to be cracking.

Nobody really want's them running healthcare. Why would they?

While doctors often say they believe people should be covered, that comes with a big asterisk doesn't it.

Urban utopianists living west of i-5 and east of i-95 are winning a few elections. Granted, the Liberal education system, uninterested in running a pay-as-you-go affair is still running the asylum in America's public education cesspools and

Since passing Obysmalcare like under the cover of TOTAL darkness as a thief in the night, Dems have lost >900 state legislature seats, 14 governorships, nearly 100 House seats, 13 Senate seats. After eight years of Barack Obama the people have spoken and the US map is red.
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Obama had the greatest PR machine in human history, and still FAILED.

They gave him a Nobel Prize for signing his name on an election card.

he said 'the 2016 Election campaign is about preserving (qualifying) his legacy.'

His legacy should be the Story of the government that lied about the true condition of the country more than any other that came before.

His legacy should be about hating America (thanks Barack and Michelle for 8 years of brutal honesty!!)

Somehow, some people still like this shallow, thin skinned phony is nothing short of astonishing (i sure as hell don't). He's a great salesman. But all he really did was take a divided country, and divide it MORE. Polarized it like no other could ever hope to do. Thanks to Obama, race relations are the worst they've been since the '50s.

But, relations between liberals and conservatives are worse still.

This is likely to prove to be a very dangerous turn for America.

Foreign policy? The world is on fire.

Iran Deal? How do you all like a nuclear Iran?

But he's part of a political movement that has looted the treasury for half a century to pay for re-elections (re; California, Illinois politicians)..... his first term was comprised epic bs, hate on America world tour..... Then he brings it back home. Alienated an asston of hardworking people just living thier lives.

He alienated America's business owners and entrepreneur class with his, "You didn't make that" bullshit.

No surprise from a community distributor of other people's money.

Obama is a highly trained operative; a social engineer (communist) with an extremely disturbing background and list of friends.

He also happens to be an incredible scumbag.

He had a lot of help from those who came before, but he really floored the accelerator, and put us on an even more dangerous fiscal path that has probably sealed our fate.

if America had 40 or 50 years before total bankrupcy when he took office, it has maybe 15 or 20 now.

and now he's about to go on another hate tour, the moment he finishes his vacation.

what kind of POLITICAL SCUMBAG does that?

Trump is a natural reaction to Obama and Jarret's endless shaming of middle and suburban America; and running divide and conquer politics for 8 years, and endless pandering to the left, and radical left.

he helped in great measure to turn America into a political cesspool.

Barack Obama leaves behind an epic cesspool 100% of his own making.

did Alan Keyes go too far by calling Obama a radical communist and usurper in 2009??

not in the slightest.

The disturbing truth about what Obama actually is has never been told.

His presidency was COVERT and it was run as a criminal enterprise.

He most certainly targeted conservative movement in the runup to 2012. But you can be sure he has done much more.

If he didn't people wouldn't have been taking the 5th and refusing to testify.

Unfortunately, we've elected another thin skinned type of personality. I didn't particularly love any of the Republican candidates. Trump has a huge, unsavory aspect. He displays the cavalier attitude towards the law, and the even the basic appearance of propriety that conservatives within the GOP warned about.

It remains to be seen if his operatives and Cabinet can persuade him to behave.

At least Trump is willing to push back aganst the SOME insanity of the progressive movement. We're still going to have MOST of Obamacare. Our entire healthcare system still likely faces eventual demise or outright collapse.

Trump is, is the root canal surgery after Obama candy junkfood and jawbreakers binge.

the patients teeth are still dead.
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Thankfully Trump is here now to heal that riff and bring us all together while making the world a safer place. I can't wait!
I agree with this:
Obama has created more divided nation not a more united nation.

They gave Obama the Nobel Price for WHAT? SYRIA is in HELL and on FIRE along with the entire Middleeast--- Which is not 100% his fault but that is not being the WORLDS PEACE-MAKER and deserving the NOBEL PRICE.

The Debt scenario is just outright evil on our younger generational workers and retirees. Not 100% his fault but did nothing to help the situation probably only enriched his boys off the American Taxpayers.

Basically--- the good old middle American Family got looted over the last 25 Years.


A lot of issues come from the Federal Reserve Bank who controls America's Monetary policies.
When are these guys gonna realize us snowflakes want the same shit but understand the situation from a more logical perspective and realize immigrants and trade agreements aren't the problem.

The problem is the plutocracy, exemplified by a narcissistic billionaire being elected and filling his cabinet with more billionaires with questionable track records.
Here's a history of using "snowflake" as a derogatory slur:

The surprising history of ‘snowflake’ as a political insult
On the history and the future of this election season’s iciest insult.

Jessica Goldstein | Culture Editor at ThinkProgress.
4 days ago

Snowflake has snowballed.

Before last year, snowflake-as-slang lingered on the fringes of the lexicon. It was a largely non-partisan slight — a mean, though not hateful, dig at millennials perceived to have an outsize sense of their own individuality and, by extension, importance. Helicopter parented to the hilt, millennials supposedly graduated from college (into a dismal economy with unprecedented mountains of student debt) too coddled for this cruel world, ill-equipped to face life’s indignities with dignity.

But as 2016 dawned, snowflake made its way to the mainstream and, in the process, evolved into something more vicious. The insult expanded to encompass not just the young but liberals of all ages; it became the epithet of choice for right-wingers to fling at anyone who could be accused of being too easily offended, too in need of “safe spaces,” too fragile.

You can see this linguistic evolution play out on Urban Dictionary: The 2008 definition of snowflake was “a person who think they are OMGUNIQUE!, but is, in fact, just like everyone else.” That was redefined in May of 2016 as “an overly sensitive person, incapable of dealing with any opinions that differ from their own. These people can often be seen congregating in ‘safe zones’ on college campuses.” A more aggressive definition went up the following month: “An entitled millenial SJW-tard who runs to her “safe space” to play with stress toys and coloring books when she gets ‘triggered” by various innocuous “microsaggressions’ [sic].”

Devastated by Brexit? Snowflake. Protesting the election of Donald J. Trump? Precious snowflake. Asking to take down a statue of a racist on your campus? Classic Generation Snowflake. Sexual assault survivors requesting trigger warnings on texts that include graphic rape scenes? Special snowflakes. Last November, snowflake was deemed one of Collins English Dictionary’s words of the year. That same month, the L.A. Times included snowflake in “a guide to the language of the ‘alt-right.’” The Guardian called it “the defining insult of 2016.”

“I think it’s gone beyond slang,” said Jonathon Green, slang lexicographer and author of several dictionaries of slang. “It’s a very specific, very politicized insult.”

The rise of the insult, Green continued, “is something, actually, that’s bigger than snowflake. In the aftermath of Trump and Brexit, there has swelled up this vocabulary of vilification. There’s always been one — my world, slang, is one of the great proponents and coiners of it — but it seems to me that these kind of very vicious, really, because they’re not meant with a laugh, these quite vicious insults have sprung up specifically within these two political areas, these explosions, that happened last year… This kind of very hard insult has come out of it. It just reflects the fact that there are huge and very strongly felt divisions in both our societies.”

As insults go, it’s hard to think of one that so clearly conveys so many flaws at once: Fragility and self-importance, weakness and self-delusion.

Its power, Green said, comes largely from that duality. Snowflake “works in two ways. It melts under the heat, it has no backbone, no spine, no guts, no spirit, anything. It just fades away as soon as people are nasty to it. And the other side is the special side of it. Every little snowflake is different and has its own identity.”
And think of what happens to a snowflake once you get your hands on it. It dissolves right in your palm.

Effective slang possesses the same quality as a well-crafted pop song: It gets stuck in your head, whether you like it or not.

So it helps that the sound of “snowflake” is appealing, said Ben Yagoda, an author and language expert who wrote about the rise of the term for the Chronicle of Higher Education’s Lingua Franca blog. Snowflake opens soft and closes with a hard “k” kicker. “There’s this idea in comedy that words with a ‘k’ ’are funny… and it has impact to it.” Snowflake also clicks nicely with “special” — and, for formal occasions, sparkly — which “rhetorically, has the alliteration going for it.”

“Buttercup,” another favorite of the anti-liberal set, has that hard “k,” too, as does “cupcake,” notably used by Megyn Kelly in her memoir, Settle for More, in describing her son, a “walking cupcake” in his mother’s eyes, not to be confused with “the cupcakes on our nation’s campuses who need safe spaces.” But “snowflake has more things going for it,” said Yagoda. Cupcake and buttercup do have the smack of the feminine about them — like the safe-for-work way of calling someone a cuck, an “alt-right” burn that originated in pornography— but snowflake carries with it “that idea of being unique and precious,” said Yagoda.

“It’s a great word for bullying,” Yagoda added. “Bullies’ historically favorite word is ‘crybaby,’ and nothing is probably more likely to elicit a bullied person crying than to be called a crybaby. That pulls the trigger.” Snowflake is another self-fulfilling prophesy. If being called a snowflake offends you, well, of course it does. You’re a snowflake.
“And finally, it sort of hits home because I think, deep down, everybody is a snowflake,” Yagoda said. “Everybody is special and a bit sensitive to being insulted or mocked or defeated or whatever. Good bullies understand that the most effective insults are the ones that hit home.”

Emily Brewster, lexicographer and associate editor at Merriam-Webster, found what she believes is the earliest use of snowflake as an epithet: Early 1860s in Missouri, as the Civil War began and citizens battled over whether or not slavery should continue within the state. “A snowflake was a person who was opposed to the abolition of slavery,” Brewster said. “They were called snowflakes because it said they valued white people over black people.”

The other two bits of Missouri slang from that political moment — the “claybank,” a group that wanted gradual transition from slavery to freedom plus compensation for slave owners, and the “charcoals,” also known as “brown radicals,” who pushed for immediate emancipation and for black people to be able to enlist in the armed forces — didn’t stick. And for a long time, neither did snowflake. It was about a century before snowflake slang made its way back into the vernacular, when it was used to describe “a white person or a black person who was perceived as acting too much like a white person,” according to Green’s Dictionary of Slang.

“Snowball” was also used as a term for a black person, Green said, as far back as the 1780s; Bartlett’s Dictionary of Americanisms from 1848 defines snowball as “a jeering appellation for a negro.” For a time, snowflake and snowball were used interchangeably in this manner. “It’s this thing about, ‘ha, ha, ha, here’s a black person, let’s call him something white,’” said Green. And even as snowflake and snowball were used in technically non-racial contexts, like as slang for cocaine, “it’s [still] to do with the whiteness.”

The earliest documented appearance of snowflake with its current gist comes from Chuck Palahniuk’s Fight Club, published in 1996 (emphasis added):
“You are not special. You’re not a beautiful and unique snowflake. You’re the same decaying organic matter as everything else. We’re all part of the same compost heap. We’re all singing, all dancing crap of the world.”
The quote was included in the 1999 film adaptation of the same name, in the dulcet tones of a Brad Pitt voiceover.

Fellow dude-novelist Bret Easton Ellis picked up on the theme in an episode of his podcast last August, in a riff that asked (rhetorically, one assumes), “little snowflake justice warriors… when did you all become grandmothers and society matrons, clutching your pearls in horror at someone who has an opinion about something, a way of expressing themselves that’s not the mirror image of yours, you sniveling little weak-ass narcissists?”

Who is the snowflakiest snowflake of all? Maybe it’s not the most delicate, politically-correct progressive. Maybe the call is coming from inside the house. Maybe it’s President-elect Trump.

He is, after all, a man who has yet to display an ability to laugh at himself. He is offended by, seemingly, everything anyone has ever said about him that is not sufficiently glowing. He is a man who cannot even bear the (really rather soft) satire slung his way by Saturday Night Live.

This we’re-not-snowflakes-you’re-the-snowflake take started catching on in the weeks after the election. And perhaps that is a signal of the end of snowflake’s reign as the mockery of the moment. It doesn’t appear that snowflake, like other politically-charged insults of the 2016 election cycle, will be adopted by its target as a badge of honor and enjoy a second run. (See also: deplorable, nasty women, failing pile of garbage.) Liberals aren’t selling snowflake sweatshirts and donating the proceeds to progressive causes. At least, not yet.

“I think in this day and age, the half-life of these vogue terms is short,” said Yagoda. “I predict that it has had its day and people are already onto the next thing.” The speed with which words and catchphrases come and go, Yagoda said, has accelerated with the rise of social media and the 24-hour news cycle, which have created “a perceived and real need to be fresh and new and hip.”

That snowflake is a specific type of word — a name-calling insult — only supports Yagoda’s certainty that it will fall out of favor before long. “If you look at the history of slang, probably next to words for sex and bodily functions, that might be the category with the biggest turnover.”

Brewster disagreed. “I don’t see it fading out anytime soon. As long as there is this idea that some people require special treatment. It is so easily lobbed at anybody who complains about being criticized or not having access to things they need.”
“Will it last or not?” Green, slang lexicographer, asked. He cited one of the most enduring profanities in the English language: “The word fuck, why did it last? It was better than the alternative.”

“Words last,” he said. “Because they work.”
When are these guys gonna realize us snowflakes want the same shit but understand the situation from a more logical perspective and realize immigrants and trade agreements aren't the problem.

The problem is the plutocracy, exemplified by a narcissistic billionaire being elected and filling his cabinet with more billionaires with questionable track records.

The problem is stupid, angry white guys who blame everyone except themselves for their flaws and shortcomings.
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