National Politics Thread

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The problem is stupid, angry white guys who blame everyone except themselves for their flaws and shortcomings.

I don't see why you'd draw that circle to exclude Betsy DeVos.
When are these guys gonna realize us snowflakes want the same shit but understand the situation from a more logical perspective and realize immigrants and trade agreements aren't the problem.

The problem is the plutocracy, exemplified by a narcissistic billionaire being elected and filling his cabinet with more billionaires with questionable track records.

When are you going to understand? That everything is about MONEY. The people never had a real choice. Knowing that Washington Elite hated Trump was enough for me to vote for him.

I know Washington Elite have not had my best interest in a long time. As I work a 40 hour job and they continue to bailout their shithead friends on Wall Street who have completely destroyed and gamed the entire banking system along with no accountability and a complete disregard to our bankruptcy laws.

But hey keep paying your taxes and they are also going up because the Govt needs to spend more of our tax dollars to create jobs. But don't worry about the 23 Trillion dollar DEBT+
That is there solution. Vote for Trump? I would have voted for a Monkey over Clinton.
When are you going to understand? That everything is about MONEY. The people never had a real choice. Knowing that Washington Elite hated Trump was enough for me to vote for him.
It is now clear that your vote empowered the Oil-NY Elite instead of the LA-DC elite. Why encourage either?
The problem is stupid, angry white guys who blame everyone except themselves for their flaws and shortcomings.

I guess your not that open minded. Why don't you figure out why TRUMP got elected and get a better understanding on why the voters actually voted for him in all those Blue States.

Everybody's situation is different because of family dynamic or environment.

I would get a better understanding why the American people in those blue states decided to vote for TRUMP. Not because they feel like he will do a better job. It's because the Democratic party has been nothing more than LYING HYPOCRITES.
JFK was, by today's standards wealthy enough not to be bribed.

That's one of the reasons why he was killed.

Trump might not be easily bribed (a theory. with JFK, it was fact).

When Trump picked Pence, many were saying the same thing.

A change guy president and an establishment guy vice president....

got some danger there. :p
It is now clear that your vote empowered the Oil-NY Elite instead of the LA-DC elite. Why encourage either?

#1 My vote was about the corruption between Hilary Clinton and the Democrats who represented Wall Street the 23+ Trillion dollar Debt along with 400 Billion dollar budget deficit.

Because Money is determining our laws not morality.

#2 My vote was about a person that called it like he saw it. Love him or hate him Trump called them out. A person that stood for something not some lying Piece of shit like Hilary Clinton telling the people what they wanted to hear then support the corruption that is looting the American Public.
It's funny seeing odurandina complain about snowflakes when he literally explodes if anyone even seems a little bit against a project. Talk about thin skin. More like no skin whatsoever.
Conservatives and libbies could both use a lesson in civics! :)

watch this!!
And the most telling part is that neither Rifleman or odurandina defended Trump in any of the stuff we recently posted and, instead, tries to sidestep by posting about Obama and Hillary and Zuckerburg who are not the president of the US.

Even these two can't defend Trump.
It's funny seeing odurandina complain about snowflakes when he literally explodes if anyone even seems a little bit against a project. Talk about thin skin. More like no skin whatsoever.

1 Bromfield just got a lifeline from one of the big players in the opposition.
And the most telling part is that neither Rifleman or odurandina defended Trump in any of the stuff we recently posted and, instead, tries to sidestep by posting about Obama and Hillary and Zuckerburg who are not the president of the US.

Even these two can't defend Trump.

I have to give Trump Time. I'm not crazy about some of the stuff he is doing.
And I would have voted for Bernie Sanders over him. Just because of Trump giant ego and what is his end game.
And I hate the fact he is so insecure when people disagree with him. Then go's on his twitter rants like a baby.

Why would you want to be president at this point?

That being said I already like the fact he just FROZE all Federal Agencies budgets. About time.
I'm very open minded. I just know where to draw the line between a differing opinion and incoherent non-sensical ranting.

Yeah by attacking a group of people that you have no clue why they would vote for Trump

How about that group trying to support families on a 40+ hour work week by doing the right thing for their country only for the Govt to bailout criminals and issue stimulus packages to the unions to buy votes. Or how about watching congress constantly giving themselves raises every year for doing such a great job why the National Debt is at absurd levels that are mathematically impossible to pay back.

And watching Obama accept the Nobel Price? REALLY FOR WHAT?
Yeah by attacking a group of people that you have no clue why they would vote for Trump

How about that group trying to support families on a 40+ hour work week by doing the right thing for their country only for the Govt to bailout criminals and issue stimulus packages to the unions to buy votes.

Oh you mean the ones who are going to lose their health coverage because Trump is going to repeal the ACA? Yeah you really care about that group.
Yeah by attacking a group of people that you have no clue why they would vote for Trump

How about that group trying to support families on a 40+ hour work week by doing the right thing for their country only for the Govt to bailout criminals and issue stimulus packages to the unions to buy votes. Or how about watching congress constantly giving themselves raises every year for doing such a great job why the National Debt is at absurd levels that are mathematically impossible to pay back.

And watching Obama accept the Nobel Price? REALLY FOR WHAT?

As I said, I know where to draw the line.
Or how about watching congress constantly giving themselves raises every year for doing such a great job why the National Debt is at absurd levels that are mathematically impossible to pay back.

Or watch congress fund a $25 bn wall that would take at least a decade to build using taxpayer money which by the way has no chance to be reimbursed by Mexico because all Mexico needs to do is wait 4-8 yrs (before the wall is even complete) until Trump is no longer president.
Can one of our conservative friends explain the value in a law like this? I genuinely don't understand how it helps the public.

Oh you mean the ones who are going to lose their health coverage because Trump is going to repeal the ACA? Yeah you really care about that group.

That's why nothing is free. You give to one group only to take from another.
That is not the basis and concept of America.
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