New "Anti-Shadow" Laws Proposed for Boston

I just made a rough draft on what I'm going to put on the flyer. Something like this:

Let's keep Boston moving FORWARD!

NO to H.R. 853

H.R. 853 is an anti-shadow bill that prevents ANY further developments that cast ANY shadows on certain parks. The implication of passing this bill will lead to:

- a stunt in growth of the city
- fewer construction jobs
- the end of significant developments that keep Boston competitive with other cities in attracting business and residents.

Please help us stop this bill and keep Boston moving forward. Write to or email your representatives and let your voice be heard!

<List emails and>

I intend to also make different versions that have other reasons like, suburbanizing the city, eliminating environmentally efficient high density projects, increasing the cost of housing and business space. Please leave criticisms and advices. I intend to try to print some out this Sunday!
Hopefully some well written letters to legislators will have an impact, but we need to do more:

  • letters to the newspaper
  • events (rallies, teach-ins, etc.) designed to gain media attention
  • simple but pointed fliers (picture of custom house, headline: Banned in Boston?)
  • youtube video (using the banned in Boston theme)

We all can write letters to the Globe, and I'd also suggest local papers like the Tab and Transcript. We can use the angle for neighborhood news outlets that the law is bad for neighborhoods, while the Globe can serve to highlight the economic and environmental arguments.

A rally in front of the state house might be good for whenever the next hearing is scheduled.
Nobody except for the people on this board is going to read your flier Kent.

I really hate to agree but I think that's very true. A lot of people in this city, the ones who go out and work every day and are actually affected by the city's and state's anti-growth, anti-business agenda simply don't care. Most of the younger ones are just passing through. It's a fun place to go to college and live for a few years afterwards, but not many people I know(myself included) have any desire to make a life here. I've been a cheerleader for Boston in the past but at this point I've given up, I don't care, I'll be living on a sailboat in New York Harbor in 6 months. Calling and writing one's rep isn't going to accomplish anything. These lunatics have the taxpayers and the voters by the neck and they don't care, nobody dares hold them accountable. Sorry for the rant, but teach-ins and posters aren't going to do jackshit. The unions might have a little sway, but the fact is this will probably pass regardless of how much anyone fights it.
Boston: where everyone wants his pound of flesh, even if it puts the butcher out of business.
Why bother to try to end slavery? Why bother to try to end apartheid? Why bother with woman's suffrage? Why bother with fighting for civil rights? Those things are too entrenched. Things will never change. It's easier for me to move somewhere where I won't have to deal with it. Screw the people who don't have that ability.

Cowards. The lot of you. (Not you Beton)
Why bother to try to end slavery? Why bother to try to end apartheid? Why bother with woman's suffrage? Why bother with fighting for civil rights? Those things are too entrenched. Things will never change. It's easier for me to move somewhere where I won't have to deal with it. Screw the people who don't have that ability.

Cowards. The lot of you. (Not you Beton)

I'm not a coward. But I do need support. However, it seems like most of you have already given up. Nothing changes when you give up. Boston's Future Is Worth Fighting For

Anyways, I'm drawing up the fliers right now. I just want to know if you need permission from the city to do so, so that I won't get fined for posting them up on light poles and walls.

Oh and for the emails, should I just list the representatives who are trying to pass this bill?
I don't know Kent about the permission thing... I wouldn't leave your contact info on it, and I'd do an over-the-shoulder look before putting them up - I think the worst that happens is it gets taken down. **This does not constitute legal advice** !!

I for one support your effort and I think most people on this board do too. I for one have been writing letters and many others have as well. I'd love to help on each of the items HenryAlan wrote above.

And no, it's hardly inevitable that this bill will pass.

A stock letter, maybe, but still an important data point for him as he decides a position:

Representative Frank Smizik said:
Dear Joshua,

Thank you for your recent correspondence regarding your opposition to House Bill 853, An Act protecting certain public parks. I believe you have raised some very legitimate points regarding problems that could arise from such a law- sustainability, economic development, crime rates, etc.

I appreciate when constituents contact me regarding public policy matters that are of importance to them, as I believe that an active and engaged citizenry is at the heart of a healthy democracy. Although I have yet to take a firm position on this specific piece of legislation, I am pleased that you have informed me of your position on this matter and raised such valid arguments, and I will certainly take them into account if and when the state House of Representatives takes a vote on this issue.

Please, everyone - if like me you jumped with delight at the thread titled "YIMBYS" then it's time to takesome action - and if not action, then at least a high degree of support for people like Kent who are taking action.

Edit: yes, my name is Joshua (call me Josh)
Unfortunately I don't have a base to work with. When I say 'Please help us stop this bill', I don't know who I should refer 'us' to. As Ron has raised a legitimate point that not everyone on this forum is universally opposed to this bill, I cannot use as the group. I'm thinking about creating a facebook event page or group page for this since it doesn't require money. Anyone here who is against the bill can join and provide information for anybody who read the flier and is seeking more information or wants to join us.

I think a better bill for this is that it requires the developers make an effort in casting the least amount of shadow possible which will lead to slimmer and more aesthetically pleasing towers.
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I appretiate the effort that some are putting forward. But I think this bill will be defeated. Unions are against it and they can create political nightmares. But w/ that said keep up the good work.
I really hate to agree but I think that's very true. A lot of people in this city, the ones who go out and work every day and are actually affected by the city's and state's anti-growth, anti-business agenda simply don't care. Most of the younger ones are just passing through. It's a fun place to go to college and live for a few years afterwards, but not many people I know(myself included) have any desire to make a life here. I've been a cheerleader for Boston in the past but at this point I've given up, I don't care, I'll be living on a sailboat in New York Harbor in 6 months. Calling and writing one's rep isn't going to accomplish anything. These lunatics have the taxpayers and the voters by the neck and they don't care, nobody dares hold them accountable. Sorry for the rant, but teach-ins and posters aren't going to do jackshit. The unions might have a little sway, but the fact is this will probably pass regardless of how much anyone fights it.

Your right............This country is being driven off a cliff 150MPH by our political hacks. Look at all these bills being presented in the state house. The Shadow Bill nevermind the Healthcare bill or the Carbon Tax bill from the whitehouse. People this is our freedom in Jeapordy.
What's next? Only political hacks can implement your ideas for their own glory bill.
I'll be living on a sailboat in New York Harbor in 6 months

Sorry to derail the convo, but I couldn't let this comment slip by untouched (much to kmp's satisfaction no doubt). There are houseboats in NYC?
I seem to remember saying sailboat and looking back over my post I did indeed so I don't see how the prevalance of houseboats is relevant but if you must know I'm sure they're around.
The same way it works in any harbor, in a slip in a marina.

The Fens wants in, too. According to this week's Boston Courant, State Representative Byron Rushing will push to include the Fens if the bill passes.

I'm done with caring.
John, no! You're one of the few who cares enough to actually do something about it! You ran for public office, like an undercover spy trying to infiltrate the system!

Don't give up, watch a Disney movie instead. Mulan would be a good choice when one is in need of inspiration to get down to business.
It's not like this isn't precedent. Boston is known for it's height laws. We get gay marriage but we might have to go back on skyscrapers. I can deal with that. :p
